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Abkhazians Fear Russia Will "Swallow" Their Republic

posted by circassiankama on July, 2009 as Abkhazia

Georgian Daily: Abkhazians Fear Russia Will ‘Swallow’ Their Republic  
May 22, 2009

Paul Goble

At a time when the opposition in South Ossetia is attempting to get Moscow more involved in political fights there, many Abkhazians, especially among the local opposition and in the influential diaspora in Turkey, are expressing concerns that their republic is being “swallowed up” by Russians and Russia.

Writing in today’s “Nezavisimaya gazeta,” Yury Simonyan points to the recent declaration of a group of influential Abkhazians calling for reining in President Sergey Bagapsh after he ceded to Russian institutions control over local railroads, the airport, and borders and failed to restrict Russian land purchases (

Such concessions, the opposition leaders fear, could “convert Abkhazia into a quasi-state Russian entity” capable of surviving only on Moscow’s handouts. Equally sharp criticism of Bagapsh’s actions in this regard, ...
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Focus Information Agency: Abkhazia Calls On West To Recognize Its Independence

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia calls on west to recognise its independence
19 юли 2009 | 02:46
London/Sukhumi. Abkhazia, the separatist region of Georgia, has urged the west to recognise its independence arguing that it will never again submit to Tbilisi and that international isolation could push it further into the arms of Russia, The Financial Times reports.
In the countdown to the anniversary of Russia's short war with Georgia over the breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Sergei Bagapsh, the president of Abkhazia, told the Financial Times his government's main goal was to create an "independent state".
Russia recognised the two breakaway Georgian regions as sovereign states after a war with Georgia last August, ...

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RFE/RL: The Pragmatist: Georgia's Irakli Alasania Emerges As Political Alternative

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

July 17, 2009

The Pragmatist: Georgia's Irakli Alasania Emerges As Political Alternative

by Brian Whitmore

TBILISI -- It's hard to imagine Irakli Alasania eating his tie.

And that's just one way he contrasts with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who absentmindedly began chewing his red silk necktie on television in an apparent fit of nerves during last summer's war with Russia.

Where Saakashvili is mercurial and impulsive, Alasania is calm and reassuring. While Saakashvili thrives on confrontation, Alasania instinctively seeks consensus. And whereas the gregarious Saakashvili revels in drama and the limelight, Alasania prefers to go about his business quietly and modestly.

But there is one area where Saakashvili and Alasania are absolutely in sync. Both are committed to bringing Georgian fully into Western institutions including ...
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NatPress: Abkhazia And The European Union: Prospects Of Mutual Relations

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

 Abkhazia and the European Union: prospects of mutual relations 

“If the European Union wants to be involved in peacekeeping and economic processes on the Southern Caucasus, as it has repeatedly declared, it should develop working, pragmatic relations with Abkhazia”, an expert, the Abkhaz President’s advisor for foreign affairs Vyacheslav Chirikba believes. Speaking on Tuesday July 14 in Sukhum at “the European Union Expansion: policy and processes" round table, organized by the European Union Institute for Security (Paris) in cooperation with the Center for Humanitarian Programs (Sukhum), he said: ‘At the moment the relations between Abkhazia and the EU go through the period of considerable coolness. Such development could have been avoided, should the European Union have a neutral, more unbiased and pragmatic position”.

Abkhazia and the European Union: current problems and prospects of mutual relations

Both from the geographical and the political point of view the ...

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Interview with Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Interview with Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh
Friday, 17 July 2009 07:45


Der Spiegel - 17 July 2009

'We Won't Beg for Diplomatic Recognition'

Once a popular holiday getaway for the communist elite, tiny Abkhazia is now a de-facto republic at odds with most of the world. President Sergei Bagapsh spoke with SPIEGEL ONLINE about his nation's plans, friends and foes -- and prime real estate.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Other than Russia, your neighboring Black Sea states do not recognize Abkhazia as a nation. Are you isolated?

Sergei Bagapsh: We are a small country with around 242,000 inhabitants. At the moment, our connections with Russia suffice to allow us to develop our economy. Of course, we would be happy if Europe was more ...

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