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NatPress: Deputies Call Off Resolution Of July 31 About The Law Of Citizenship

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as Abkhazia

Deputies call off resolution of July 31 about the law of citizenship 

A special session of the Parliament where deputies called off the resolution of July 31 “About the law of the Republic of Abkhazia “About amendment to the law of the Republic of Abkhazia “About citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia” took place today. All 27 deputies who were present at the session voted for this decision.

Opening the session of the Parliament, the Speaker said: ‘the President agreed to our proposal to revise the law “About amendment to the law of the Republic of Abkhazia “About citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia”, and returned it to the Parliament. Now we should think what to do next”.

Opposition deputies Valery Bganba, Daur Arshba and Valery Kvarchiya proposed to call off the change adopted on July 31 and leave in force the law “About citizenship of the Republic of ...

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IWPR: Abkhaz Opposition Fears Growing Russian Influence

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia


 07-Aug-09 Issue likely to dominate December elections, but in reality Abkhazia’s options constrained by dependence on Russia. By Inal Khashig in Sukhum Abkhazians have ceased to worry about renewed war with Georgia since Moscow recognised their independence a year ago, but now opposition politicians fear their government is surrendering hard-won freedoms to Russia. Russia and Nicaragua are the only countries that consider Abkhazia to be an independent state, following its unilateral declaration of independence from Georgia in 1991, meaning initial hopes that the Black Sea territory’s foreign policy could be “multi-vectoral” - looking towards Russia, Europe and Turkey - have been stillborn. In the year since the August war between Russia and Georgia, Abkhazian president Sergei Bagapsh has signed deals giving Russia control over the ...

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RFE/RL: Amendments To Citizenship Law Compound Political Tensions In Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

August 07, 2009

Amendments To Citizenship Law Compound Political Tensions In Abkhazia

Meeting in emergency session on August 6, days after the official closure of the spring session, the Abkhaz parliament voted unanimously to ask President Sergei Bagapsh not to sign into law amendments the parliament enacted six days earlier to the law on citizenship passed in November 2005.

The opposition had protested those amendments, arguing that extending Abkhaz citizenship to the overwhelmingly Georgian population of Abkhazia's southernmost Gali Raion opens the door to a new wave of Georgian "colonization."

Bagapsh has established a commission that will assess the draft amendments and rule by August 10 on whether they create a threat to Abkhaz statehood. The parliament committee on legislation will then revise ...

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My Voice For Abkhazia By Fatima Tlisova

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

My voice for Abkhazia
By Fatima Tlisova

Georgia takes the front pages and news topics once again a year after the short but violent war last August. There are tons of analyses in the media around the world but I believe that my voice as the one who was born in the Caucasus and who reported from the region for 12 years for western media deserves to be heard.

I am not going to give any analyses or expertise. I simply have the bunch of “did you know?” and “why?” questions that I want to address to the people who make decisions.

The “did you know?” questions are very simple but must be answered I believe.

So, did you know that ethnic Abkhazians consist only 30% of population of Abkhazia?

Did you know that the remaining 70% shared equally by ...

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Robert Amsterdam: Weaning Abkhazia Off Russia

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

Weaning Abkhazia off Russia

The small smuggling mob that is the population of South Ossetia is one thing, while the nationalists of Abkhazia are entirely different ... and they don't very much like the idea of getting annexed by Russia.  The other day Reuters had an interesting feature piece on the tensions of dependency between Abkhazia and Russia, and today in the Guardian, Jonathan Steele has an interesting quote from Tom de Waal:

Can nothing be done to improve matters?Tom de Waal, a respected analyst of the Caucasus, argues that the west should open links to Abkhazia without recognising its independence by taking "status-neutral" measures like supporting a direct shipping route between Abkhazia and Turkey, and getting Georgia to support it. This would not help Georgia recover Abkhazia, but it would lessen Abkhaz ties to Russia.

Steps of this kind would ...

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