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IWPR: Abkhazia: Furore Over Gal Georgians’ Status

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as Abkhazia

Abkhazia: Furore Over Gal Georgians’ Status


Opposition politicians angry at plans to offer full rights to members of marginalised community.

By Anaid Gogorian in Sukhum (CRS No. 506, 14-Aug-09)

Abkhazia last week scrapped proposals to give citizenship to resident ethnic Georgians, following claims from opposition politicians the legal change would undermine Abkhazian security.

But the issue, which would have involved granting full rights to Georgians living in Abkhazia’s eastern Gal region, is not resolved and could well flare up in presidential elections scheduled for December.

Most of Abkhazia’s 250,000 Georgians fled during and after the 1992-3 conflict in which Tbilisi lost control of the republic, but around 60,000 still live around the town of Gal, and their lack of citizenship has marginalised them, making it difficult for them to gain benefits or own property.

On July 31, parliament adopted amendments allowing ...

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Window on Eurasia: Abkhazia Caught Between Ethnic and Civic Nationhood

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Window on Eurasia: Abkhazia Caught Between Ethnic and Civic Nationhood

Paul Goble

Vienna, August 13 – The population of the breakaway republic of Abkhazia finds itself deeply divided between those backing an ethnocentric model in which nationality would play the key role and those supporting a civic nation model in which citizenship not ethnicity would be the basis of political participation, according to a leading Moscow specialist on the region.
And both because of the ethnic diversity of the republic and because of the opposition of the international community to states in which one ethnic group is given primacy over others, Sergey Markedonov argues, the outcome of this increasingly contentious debate will have a larger impact than many might think (
If the civic model ...
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The New York Times: Grim Expectations

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

August 14, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor

Grim Expectations

During his visit on Wednesday to Abkhazia — Georgia’s break-away state recognized as independent by Moscow after the war ended a year ago — Vladimir Putin promised to spend around $465 million (roughly twice the size of Abkhazia’s G.D.P.) to build Russian military bases on its soil and to fortify its “border” with Georgia.

Russia’s defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, who accompanied Prime Minister Putin, said that Moscow will station 3,600 troops in Abkhazia, where 1,000 Russian border guards are already deployed.

The Abkhazians have welcomed the Russian military as insurance against future conflict, but in fact these latest measures are likely to make peace harder to achieve. Indeed, the prospects of a sustainable resolution ...

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PM Putin Met With Representatives of the Abkhaz Opposition

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with representatives of the Abkhaz opposition
Thursday, 13 August 2009 18:00

Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, esteemed colleagues.

Mr Bagapsh and I have decided that this meeting would be timely during the first visit of a Russian Government delegation to Abkhazia. As I see it, the meeting is all the more necessary considering major recent changes in Russian-Abkhaz relations now that Russia has recognised the independence and state sovereignty of the Republic of Abkhazia.

You know how much Russia has done for this decision. Here I am not talking about material expenditures. I am, first and foremost, talking about human lives laid down for Abkhaz independence and a sense of security.

We and the Abkhaz Government have discussed our further partnership in practically all spheres-security, fortifying the border, security efforts by the Armed Forces and, ...
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PM Putin Meets With Council of Elders in the Republic of Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with the Council of Elders in the Republic of Abkhazia
Thursday, 13 August 2009 18:10


12 August 2009 -

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Sergei Bagapsh: Prime Minister Putin, thank you very much on behalf of our elders, the Council of Elders. You met our Council. They are the leaders of our regional branches of the Council of Elders.

You have a good understanding of what the word elder means for any people, but particularly for Abkhazians and people from the Caucasus. We are glad that the current Council of Elders includes highly respected people, all of who have significant life experience, experience earned in ...

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