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RIA Novosti: Sergei Shamba: we do not trust the Americans

posted by circassiankama on August, 2009 as Abkhazia

Sergei Shamba: we do not trust the Americans

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In an interview to RIA Novosti, Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba discusses the role of the United States in the war in South Ossetia, the effectiveness of a European Union peacekeeping mission in Georgia, and whose laws Belarusian citizens should respect in Sukhumi.

Question: Last week, there were reports that American observers might join the EU mission in Georgia. EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby followed up by saying that a discussion could be held in the fall. What is your attitude to this idea?

Answer: Our attitude is distinctly negative. First, because the idea does not stem from the mission’s mandate worded in keeping with the agreements reached by the Russian and French presidents – the mandate provides for ...
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NatPress: Abkhazia Ready To Develop Relations With Nicaragua

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia ready to develop relations with Nicaragua 


“We have been ready for a long time to start working actively to develop relations with Nicaragua and to establish diplomatic relations between our countries”, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Abkhazia Maxim Gvindzhiya said commenting on the statement of the Foreign Minister of Nicaragua Samuel Santos.

“For us Nicaragua will always be a friendly country. We express gratitude to the people and the leadership of Nicaragua, who recognized our independence following Russia”, Gvindzhiya said. “We will engage in establishing fruitful and long-term mutually advantageous relations with this state”.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Abkhazia Maxim Gvindzhiya

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RFE/RL: Abkhazia Seeks To Continue Cooperation With EU, UN

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

July 30, 2009

Abkhazia Seeks To Continue Cooperation With EU, UN

Abkhaz Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba met separately on July 29 in Sukhumi with the EU special representative for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Peter Semneby, and with Johan Verbeke, who headed the UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG), the mandate of which expired earlier this month.

Semneby was quoted as recalling that one year ago, the EU planned to appoint a representative to liaise with the Abkhaz authorities, but that "for understandable reasons," meaning the August war between Georgia and Russia over South Ossetia, those plans were not implemented.

Semneby said the withdrawal of the UN from Abkhazia creates a further obstacle to EU cooperation with Abkhazia, but that the EU nonetheless still ...

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RFE/RL: Second Round Of Abkhaz Security Talks Takes Place

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

July 29, 2009

Second Round Of Abkhaz Security Talks Takes Place

Georgian, Abkhaz, Russian, EU, and UN representatives took part in a meeting on July 28 in the UN Human Rights Office in Abkhazia's southernmost Gali Raion to discuss the security situation on both sides of the border between Abkhazia and the rest of Georgia.

Such regular discussions were envisaged under the agreements signed in August and September 2008 that ended the five-day war between Russia and Georgia, but the format and modalities were agreed only at talks in Geneva last month; the first talks focusing on security issues took place on July 14.

Prior to the July 28 meeting, Abkhaz Deputy Foreign Minister Maksim Gvindjia said the Abkhaz side intended to focus ...

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RFE/RL: Abkhaz Opposition Accuses President Of Flouting Constitution

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

July 24, 2009

Abkhaz Opposition Accuses President Of Flouting Constitution

Five Abkhaz opposition parties or public organizations have issued a second statement criticizing President Sergei Bagapsh, this time for comments he made during a July 15 interview with the Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy. It was the third such public criticism of Bagapsh in just over two months.

The five organizations in question are the Forum of Public Unity; the Economic Development Party of Abkhazia; the People's Party; the war veterans' association Aruaa; and the public organization Akhyatsa.

Their leaders, together with the chairman of the Social-Democratic Party of Abkhazia, signed an appeal in late May to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev denouncing Bagapsh's approach to structuring relations with Moscow as likely to ...

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