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Russia sends the UN mission packing from Georgia-Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on July, 2009 as Abkhazia

Russia sends the UN mission packing from Georgia-Abkhazia
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 08:03

16 JUNE 2009 - Moscow has vetoed a Western-backed resolution to extend the UN mission to Georgia. Russia voted against the measure at a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York. 

Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, gave his reaction.

“Many colleagues talked about the territorial integrity, it's a very important principle. But one interesting thing: I don't remember how many meetings of the council we have held after the August 2008 events, have those who support the territorial integrity condemn the aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia. Nobody mentioned even once. That is an oversight that ...

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A Reply to Svante Cornell’s Daily Telegraph Article (16 June 2009) by George Hewitt (17 June 2009) In my review of Svante Cornell’s Small Nations and Great Powers. A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

A Reply to Svante Cornell’s Daily Telegraph Article (16 June 2009)

by George Hewitt
(17 June 2009)

In my review of Svante Cornell’s Small Nations and Great Powers. A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus (Curzon Press, 2001) I included the following: ‘[T]his volume's value is greatly reduced by an absolute travesty of reality in the treatment afforded to Abkhazia. I have had to say this so often over more than a decade that I am seriously tempted to suggest that any Westerner who feels the urge to comment on this particular issue should first learn Georgian so that what Georgians say about their relationship with the Abkhazians in their own language can be properly assessed... Only then perhaps will there be better appreciation that, just as the meddling hand of Moscow is ...

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posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia


Vremya Novostei - July 9, 2009

An interview with Foreign Minister of Abkhazia Sergei Shamba

Author: Mikhail Vignansky


Sergei Shamba: The United States had to do something to help Georgian society to learn to live with the loss of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. I do not expect anything to follow Barack Obama's statements. Neither do I believe that the Americans are about to abandon everything, their own affairs and problems included, in order to concentrate on restoration of Georgian territorial integrity. Sure, the Americans support territorial integrity of Georgia but we never expected them to recognize Abkhazia right away or even in the near future.

By the way, the Americans forget that they themselves proclaimed peoples' right to self-determination ...
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Radio Adiga: Abkhazian Passport (Part 1)

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

02 07 2009 
Abkhazian Passport (Part 1)

A translation of discussion from the forum of Circassia 

Shamil: Why Abkhazians give Abazins citizenship but to Adigas they don’t give? And to my thinking even to Russians they give, better would be to give us than those Russians. 

Apsua: According to the constitution of Abkhazia the representatives of abkhazo-abazin people (abaza) automatically become citizens of the Abkhazian Republic, wherever they may be... as concerning Adigas, if they come for constant place habitation they too receive citizenship, those, who want, including from Turkey… you may address with alike application to the appropriate Abkhazian apparatus… you will not be denied by anyone… 

Shamil: Thanks we will know from now. And for what to Russians you give, there are not enough Russians there if so? 

Amtsa: What it means to Adigas they don’t give? Can you bring ...

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posted by JFNC Message Boards - ABKHAZIA. on June, 2009 as Abkhazia


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