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Window On Eurasia: Might The US Recognize Abkhazia And Turn Moscow’s Victory Into Defeat?

posted by eagle on May, 2009 as Abkhazia


Window on Eurasia: Might the US Recognize Abkhazia and Turn Moscow’s Victory into Defeat?

Paul Goble

Vienna, May 6 – The United States and even more likely Turkey might change course, recognize the independence of Abkhazia, move to include both Abkhazia and Georgia into Western institutions like NATO and thus transform Moscow’s victory on the ground in August 2008 into a major geopolitical defeat, according to a Moscow analyst.
In what he acknowledges is a highly speculative article, Andrey Serenko, a political analyst at the Moscow Foundation for the Development of Information, argues that however improbable it may seem at present, the US and Turkey might recognize Abkhazia as part of a broader strategy of ousting Russia from the Caucasus (
And while the Moscow writer may be wrong both overall and in detail, his argument ...

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IWPR: Russia’s Gift Of Recognition Hurts Abkhaz Traders

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

Russia’s Gift of Recognition Hurts Abkhaz Traders


Exports nosedive as an unintended consequence of Moscow’s diplomatic gesture of friendship.

By Anaid Gogorian in Sukhum (CRS No. 491, 1-May-09)

In rural districts of Abkhazia, many country folk say they have stopped going to the Psou checkpoint on the border with Russia.

This is because they know the Russian customs officers there won’t let them carry their farm produce across the border, as they used to. 

“Three days ago I went to the border,” said Alena Zotova from the village of Gandiadi, in Abkhazia’s Gagra district. 

“I wanted to cross over to Sochi to sell some stuff from my garden there. But they didn’t allow me to.”

Flowers are the only items that Abkhaz farmers can sell freely on the other side of the border.

Abkhazia’s frustrated farmers and market gardeners are victims of a ...

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RFE/RL: Abkhaz Leadership Assesses Time Frame For International Recognition

posted by eagle on April, 2009 as Abkhazia

April 24, 2009

Abkhaz Leadership Assesses Time Frame For International Recognition

Both Abkhaz President Sergei Bagapsh and Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba have said over the past week that they see little point in trying to accelerate artificially the formal recognition by European states of Abkhaz independence. Shamba made clear at the same time that he nonetheless hopes to sustain, and if possible build on, the intensive contacts established between the Abkhaz leadership and the European Union in 2007-08. 

Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on April 17, Bagapsh said the Abkhaz leadership will not seek to impel other countries to extend formal recognition of Abkhazia as an independent state, "Novy region" reported on April 18. Bagapsh said negotiations with unspecified countries are continuing to that end, and predicted that "they will recognize us sooner or later." 

Shamba for ...

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FINROSFORUM: Abkhazians To Vote For Sochi Mayor

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

21 APR

Abkhazians to vote for Sochi mayor

Residents of Georgia’s breakaway republic of Abkhazia with Russian citizenship may vote in the upcoming elections for mayor of the neighbouring Russian city of Sochi. Gazeta reports that a polling station for residents of Abkhazia will be opened on the Russian side of the border, in the village of Veseloye. Opposition candidates, including Boris Nemtsov of the Solidarity alliance, are amazed at the decision of the Sochi election commission. Around 90% of Abkhazians have Russian passports.

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Abkhazia may hold exercises as response to Georgia NATO drills

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia may hold exercises as response to Georgia NATO drills

RIA Novosti

17/04/2009 19:23 MOSCOW, April 17 (RIA Novosti) - The former Georgian republic of Abkhazia may hold its own military exercises in response to NATO's planned drills in Georgia next month, Abkhazia's leader said on Friday.

The Cooperative Longbow 09/Cooperative Lancer 09 command-and-staff exercise, led by the Western military alliance, will be held from May 6 through June 1, but will not feature light or heavy weaponry.

"The planned NATO exercises in Georgia do not lead to the stabilization of the situation in the Caucasus," Abkhaz President Sergei Bagapsh said. "We observe the situation in Georgia and we will conduct our own drills in response."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed the drills as "disappointing," saying they threatened to complicate ties with ...

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