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World Bulletin: Georgia Remands Turkish Captain, To Sell Ship

posted by circassiankama on August, 2009 as Abkhazia

Georgia remands Turkish captain, to sell ship: Reports
A Georgian court has remanded in custody the Turkish captain of a tanker detained this week delivering fuel to the breakaway region of Abkhazia.
Thursday, 20 August 2009 12:26

A Georgian court has remanded in custody the Turkish captain of a tanker detained this week delivering fuel to the breakaway region of Abkhazia, as Tbilisi tries to enforce a blockade on Russian-backed separatists.

The tanker remains in the Georgian port of Poti, and Georgian media reports said it could be confiscated and put up for auction.

The captain faces up to 24 years imprisonment if found guilty of smuggling and violation of a Georgian law banning unauthorised economic activity in the country's two rebel regions.

He was remanded in custody late on Wednesday, a ...
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Reuters: Turk Tanker Operator Says Abkhazia Risks Too High

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Turk tanker operator says Abkhazia risks too high

Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:05pm IST

By Thomas Grove and Niko Mchedlishvili

ISTANBUL/TBILISI, Aug 21 (Reuters) - The Turkish operator of a tanker that was seized by Georgian authorities for delivering fuel to breakaway Abkhazia said on Friday he had given up the idea of sending any further supplies to the Black Sea territory.

Georgia has passed legislation that forbids commercial traffic heading to Abkhazia in an attempt to isolate the territory, which was recognised by Moscow as independent after a five-day war between Georgia and Russia last August.

Abkhazia has threatened a "proportionate response" to the Georgian blockade, which it says is aimed at suffocating it. The operator's statements suggested Tbilisi's actions may be working.

"The risks are too high now. ...

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Center for World Dialogue: Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Crisis of August 2008: Roots and Lessons, by George Hewitt

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Crisis of August 2008: Roots and Lessons, by George Hewitt
Monday, 24 August 2009 09:26

GLOBAL DIALOGUE Volume 11 ● 2009—After Georgia PREVIEW

George Hewitt is Professor of Caucasian Languages at London University and has been a Fellow of the British Academy since 1997. Since 1989 he has written widely about the Georgian–Abkhazian conflict.

The events that occurred in or around both South Ossetia and Abkhazia from 7 August 2008 were astonishing in many ways. What could have possessed the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, to launch a military assault on the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinval,[1] and its environs as that day was drawing to a close and locals were taking to their beds shortly after he had ...

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NatPress: About Russian Prime Minister’s Visit To Abkhazia

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

About Russian prime minister’s visit to Abkhazia  

Russia would allocate 10,9 billion rubles for social and economic development of Abkhazia in 2010. The prime minister of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin had stated that during the intergovernmental negotiations in Sukhum.

The decision was fixed by the corresponding agreement. The official document was signed by the minister of the regional development of Russian Federation Victor Basargin and the minister of economics of Abkhazia Christina Ozgan at presence of the president of Republic of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh and the chairman of the government of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

"It is the question of objects of the infrastructure, communications, transports, public health services and education", - the prime minister explained. "The further interaction of Russia and Abkhazia, - Putin added, - provides work in such directions, as security, arrangement of the state borders, creation of conditions on public ...

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NatPress: Open Appeal Of The President Of The Republic Of Abkhazia

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

Open appeal of the president of the republic of Abkhazia  

18/08/2009 20:00 ABKHAZIA, SUKHUM

To the Chairman of the United Nations Security Council

John Sawers

To the European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy

Javier Solana

To the President of the French Republic

Nicolas Sarkozy

Open appeal

On August 17, 2009 the Georgian coast guards seized once again a merchant vessel going to Abkhazia from Turkey. The tanker under the Turkish flag, bound for the port of Sukhum, was detained in neutral waters and towed off to the Georgian port of Poti. This year it is already the third case of the Georgian piracy.

This incident testifies to continuation of Georgia’s policy aimed at destabilization of the situation in the region. At that it uses different methods of both political and economic pressure on Abkhazia. Moreover, the Georgian authorities do not also shun numerous acts of terrorism one of which ...

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