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Abkhazia Will Be Never Integrate Into United Georgian-Speaker

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/31/2005 1:05 AM
Abkhazia will never integrate into united Georgian state  - Abkhazian speaker assured


"Abkhazian inhabitants’ becoming Russian citizens does not mean that the republic has become a part of Russia. We build the independent state. Abkhazia will be never included into the united Georgian state but we are ready to support good-neighbourhood with Georgia", - declared on October, 28th the speaker of Abkhazian parliament Nuzgar Ashuba at the meeting with the assistant to the special representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Iwo Petrov.

The assistant to the special representative was interested in the bill "About citizenship in Republic of Abkhazia" approved by the parliament in the second reading. Ashuba told Iwo Petrov that before passing that law, they had studied other countries’ experience: "Our citizens ...
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Turkish Fuel For Abkhazia Is More Favourable Than Russian One

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/27/2005 12:39 PM
Turkish fuel for Abkhazia is more favourable than Russian one  

To Abkhazia it was delivered 1200 tons of gasoline АИ-76. "For today there is no fuel crisis - fuel is enough for satisfaction of the people’s needs up to the end of this week", - the general director of the State company "Abkhaztop" Merab Dziapsh-ipa told in the interview to IА REGNUM.

In Abkhazia one litre of АИ-76 gasoline costs today 18 rbl. 50 copeck. According to Dziapsh-ipa, they were holding negotiations for delivery of new portion of gasoline. "We cannot constrain rising prices for fuel as they’re rising in the countries-suppliers" - told Dziapsh-ipa. He informed that they expected delivery of 1200 more tons of gasoline, and added that " meanwhile there are some problems".

Failures in providing ...
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OSCE Supreme Commissioner On National Minorities Is In Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/18/2005 2:02 AM
OSCE Supreme commissioner on national minorities is in Abkhazia
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba on November, 16th met the OSCE Supreme commissioner on national minorities Rolf Ekus and the senior adviser Micha Grinchew. The Visit of the Supreme commissioner had fact-finding character.

"According to the mandate I’m going to get acquainted with problems of the national minorities in the country. Our task is to promote decrease in intensity among ethnic groups - if such exists. Meanwhile it is difficult for me to speak about impressions as my visit is still on" - told to the correspondent "Apsnypress" after the end of the meeting Rolf Ekus.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Shamba let know the Supreme commissioner about the situation in the republic. "It seems to me ...
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No changes to peacekeeping members without Abkhazia - Bagapsh

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/15/2005 4:56 PM
No changes to peacekeeping members without Abkhaz consent - Bagapsh
01.10.2005 - 00:19:43

Abkhazia does not want to change the participants in the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict settlement process...

Abkhazia does not want to change the participants in the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict settlement process, President of the Republic Sergei Bagapsh said.

´´The peacekeeping forces were deployed in the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict zone in accordance with a ceasefire and a separation agreement signed by Georgia and Abkhazia on May 14, 1994,´´ Bagapsh said.

´´Abkhazia does not want to introduce any changes to the document and without our consent it is impossible to introduce any new states to the peacekeeping process,´´ the Abkhaz President´s press service cites Bagapsh as saying.

(Agency Caucasus)

080705- Republic of Abkhazia

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Russian Deputy Speaker Calls For Abkhazia´s Recognition

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/15/2005 4:58 PM
Russian Deputy Speaker Calls for Abkhazia´s Recognition
01.10.2005 - 00:33:20

Speaking at the rally in Abkhaz capital Sokhum on September 30, 2005 Deputy Chairman of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin called on the Georgian and Russian authorities to recognize Abkhazia´s independence...

Speaking at the rally in Abkhaz capital Sokhum on September 30, 2005 Deputy Chairman of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin called on the Georgian and Russian authorities to recognize Abkhazia´s independence, Apsnypress news agency reported.

Baburin was speaking at the rally marking 12th anniversary of Abkhazia´s independence.

Georgian troops were forced to leave Abkhazia after a year of fighting on September 30, 1993.

´´Abkhazia has established as a real independent state ´´Recognized´´ or ´´unrecognized´´ who has right to classify states like this?

Who said that the UN membership means existence?´´ Russian MP Baburin ...
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