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posted by FerrasB on November, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/29/2005 1:27 AM
Since at least the time of US President Woodrow Wilson, there has been much debate on how (or indeed whether) to accommodate the concept of self-determination in international relations. The First World War brought about the collapse of a number of empires, and the days of imperial expansion seemed to be over. However, the Soviet Union arose out of the ashes of the Russian Empire, and the eventual rise of fascism and its attendant expansionist tendencies led to the conflagration of World War II, from which the USSR emerged in control of the three Baltic States and with most of eastern and central Europe firmly in its sphere of influence.

The League of Nations had failed to prevent the ...
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In Abkhazia, Militia Organized Operatively-Preventive Actions

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/23/2005 12:29 AM
In Abkhazia militia organized operatively-preventive actions
With the view of prevention of destabilization of the criminal situation in Abkhazia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized operatively-preventive actions, correspondent of “Caucasian unit” informed.

The deputy minister of internal affairs of the republic Vladimir Gajdukov informed about it the journalists. As he said, Managements of the State traffic inspectorate and the Criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia hold actions on revealing offences on roads, illegal storage and carrying weapon, drug traffic – all those measures would be executed during various time of day in the whole republic up to the end of the current year. At the moment, noted Gajdukov, the situation in Abkhazia is stable.

Caucasian unit

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In Abkhazia, Militia Organized Operatively-Preventive Actions

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/23/2005 12:29 AM
In Abkhazia militia organized operatively-preventive actions
With the view of prevention of destabilization of the criminal situation in Abkhazia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized operatively-preventive actions, correspondent of “Caucasian unit” informed.

The deputy minister of internal affairs of the republic Vladimir Gajdukov informed about it the journalists. As he said, Managements of the State traffic inspectorate and the Criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia hold actions on revealing offences on roads, illegal storage and carrying weapon, drug traffic – all those measures would be executed during various time of day in the whole republic up to the end of the current year. At the moment, noted Gajdukov, the situation in Abkhazia is stable.

Caucasian unit

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Abkhazia Anxious With Forcing Of Conditions In Galsky Area

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/22/2005 1:45 AM
Abkhazia anxious with forcing of conditions in Galsky area
The UN Secretary general special representative in Georgia Haidi Taliavini during a meeting with the minister for foreign affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba presented the next package of proposals concerning the international security guarantees.

As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhum informed, Taliavini remarked that among the UN top management and the world community as a whole there was a concern connected to not solving of many questions braking the further productive process of settling the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. In that connection the UN Secretary general special representative recommended the Abkhazian party to consider with greater attention offers proceeding from the United Nations. Haidi Taliavini asked to explain in that occasion some positions of the law on citizenship and the Abkhazian passports’ ...
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"We Shall Impose Nobody To Get Citizenship"

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/18/2005 2:08 AM
Sergey Shamba: "We shall impose nobody to get Abkhazian  citizenship"
"We are going to impose violently nobody to get Abkhazian citizenship and passports", - declared on November, 16th to "Apsnypress" the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba, making comments on the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia from November, 14th. In the minister’s opinion, "people living in Abkhazia, should choose on their own to take the Abkhazian passports or not". "If people refuse, it will entail restriction of their political rights, more truly, the rights of participation in elections ", - noted the minister.

His refusal to make comments or deny many statements of the Georgian party Sergey Shamba explained with that "more often these statements are groundless, or based on invented facts". As ...
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