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US, EU, UK And Russian Representatives Will Gather In Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/7/2005 1:37 AM
US, EU, UK and Russian representatives will gather in Abkhazia
Tomorrow, on December, 6th, in the Sukhumi headquarters of the United Nations Mission on realization of initial phase of the rehabilitation program the first meeting of the organizing committee takes place in the conflict zone. The meeting will pass under presidency of the United Nations secretary general special representative Haidi Taliavini with participation of the Abkhazian and Georgian parties, representatives of the European commission, the Program of development of the United Nations and the Group of friends of the UN secretary general across Georgia.

As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi informed, in the delegations John Teft - the U.S. ambassador in Georgia, Bridget Brink - adviser on political and economic affairs of the U.S. embassy, Ivan Valynkin - senior ...
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Georgia And Abkhazia Agreed To Initiate Conflict Rehabilitation

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/7/2005 2:01 AM
Georgia and Abkhazia agreed to initiate first phase  of the conflict zone rehabilitation
In the capital of Abkhazia in the Sukhumi headquarters of the United Nations Mission the first meeting of the organizing committee on realization of the first phase of the Euro commission rehabilitation program in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone took place on December, 6th. As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi informed, the meeting passed under presidency of the of the United Nations secretary general special representative Haidi Taliavini, with participation of the Eurocommission chief negotiator - ambassador Torben Holze and constant PDUN representative Robert Vakinsa, the Georgian and Abkhazian parties and the Group of friends of the Secretary general.

The Abkhazian party was represented by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Shamba, the adviser of the ...
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Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Abkhazia Received UN Delegation

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/2/2005 2:02 AM
Chief of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia  received representatives of UN MSC office
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba met representatives of the Tbilisi office of the Management of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations on affairs of refugees (MSC) Snejanna Sazdich and Florian Daloney.

As they informed IА REGNUM in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, the present visit of the UN MSC representatives has fact-finding character. The delegates intend to develop strategy of their further work that would help to involve new donors. The basic attention was paid to the problem concerning the forthcoming registration of refugees who had come back to Gali area; the registration will pass with the direct participation of the UN MSC and is planned in spring of ...
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In Abkhazia Operatively-Mobilization Gathering Started

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2005 1:02 AM
In Abkhazia operatively-mobilization gathering started
In Abkhazia operatively-mobilization gathering which would come to the end on December, 5th was started. The chief of the Joint Staff of the Ministry of Defence of Abkhazia general-lieutenant Alexander Zajtsev informed about it the journalists. The current academic year as he said had come to the end, and the Minister of Defence intended to sum up its results, while the president of Abkhazia being the commander-in-chief had defined and put problems for the next academic year.

"Thus, operatively-mobilization gathering staff are annually organized with one purpose, with one problem - to learn how to execute correctly the functions which were defined by the commander-in-chief for the next year", - the head of the staff told. As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi informed, Zajtsev ...
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President Of Abkhazia Met Group Of Repatriates Of Turkey

posted by FerrasB on November, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2005 12:47 AM
President of Abkhazia met group of repatriates of Turkey  29.11.2005<O:P></O:P>
The president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh met a group of repatriates of Turkey. As IА REGNUM correspondent referring to the Abkhazian TV informed, during their meeting the questions connected with problems of adaptation on the historical native land of descendants mahadjirs, who had come back in Abkhazia were discussed.

In their speeches the repatriates spoke about problems they had collided after homecoming. Having engaged in business activities, the repatriates told about the facts of extortion from officials of state supervising bodies. Thus they mentioned that the ministers and other representatives of the central departments of Abkhazia always with understanding concerned - and whenever possible - assist the repatriates.

"The high-ranked officials who do not pay due attention to the problems ...
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