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President Of Abkhazia On Georgia’s Peacemakers’ Removal

posted by FerrasB on November, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/18/2005 2:22 AM
 President of Abkhazia: Georgia’s requirement of peacemakers’ removal  - straight way to military collision
On November, 17th in Sukhum the meeting of the president of Republic of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh with representatives of the management of the United Nations Supreme commissioner on affairs of refugees (UNSCAR) Udo Jans and Naviid Hussein took place. "The requirement of the Georgia parliament about removal of the Russian peacemakers is a straight way to military collision", - declared president Sergey Bagapsh at the meeting.

Sergey Bagapsh emphasized that in case of the Russian peacemakers’ removal divisions of Abkhazian military forces would occupy their place.

"Abkhazia supports the peace resolution of the existing problems", - told the president. Thus he noted readiness of the armed forces of Abkhazia to face aggression from Georgia. "Such danger ...
>> full artcle...

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Bagapsh-Other Peace-Making Forces In Abkhazia Are Out Of Question

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/11/2005 2:33 PM
Bagapsh: any other peace-making forces in Abkhazia  are out of question  

"Any mixed peace-making forces in the territory of Abkhazia are out of the question at all", - declared the president Sergey Bagapsh at a press conference on November, 10th. As he said, the Collective forces of the CIS on peace preservation in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict successfully carry out the duties assigned according to their mandate. Bagapsh emphasized that any changing of the format of the peace-making operation without taking into account the opinion of the Abkhazian party could not take place.

Besides according to Bagapsh, attraction of other countries to the negotiating process is also impossible, as "there is the worked up scheme of the negotiating process operating during 12 post-war years and ...
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Ministry Of Internal Affairs Of Abkhazia hHlds Spot-Checks...

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/1/2005 12:54 AM
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia holds spot-checks in Sukhum

The Ministry of Internal Affairs together with the State road inspection, the Management on struggle against economic crimes, the tax inspection and the Criminal investigation department hold scheduled operatively-preventive actions in Sukhum town. As the deputy minister of internal affairs Vladimir Gajdukov informed "Apsnypress" on October, 31st, the spot-check was organized with the purpose of revealing of economic crimes, facts of illegal carrying and storage of weapon, illegal drugs’ circulation.

Employees of the law enforcement bodies inspected the passport system, and technical condition of vehicles. Scheduled actions are held not less often 1-2 times a month. Gajdukov specified that in case of need they also organized off-schedule spot-checks.


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Abkhazian President Left To Nalchik

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/1/2005 1:02 AM
Abkhazian president left to Nalchik
The president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh had left on October, 31st to the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Nalchik city. As the head of the Department of the governmental information of Abkhazia Christian Bzhanija informed IА REGNUM, the Abkhazian president intended to condole personally with the family of the died first KBR president Valery Kokov.


From edition: an interesting detail, the president of Abkhazia together with the governmental delegation visited Adygeya on October, 7th. The subsequent days off as we informed he spent in Karachaevo-Circassia. Up to Nalchik to which groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of all the SFD regions on October, 9th had been located, he had not reached then. It was five days before the tragical events in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria.


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Forum Of National Unity Of Abkhazia...

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/31/2005 12:49 AM
Forum of National Unity of Abkhazia calls authorities  to develop strict strategy in relation to repatriates  28.10.2005    

Forum of National Unity, the International Association of Abkhazo-Abasin people, the Society on relations with compatriots abroad "Apsadgyl" and the Cultural Center of O.Bejgua sent the leadership of Abkhazia a letter in which they remind about necessity "to take immediate measures for investigation of the crime committed against our compatriot". They meant the incident happened on August, 1st in the Sukhum sea port, "when a repatriate from Turkey was wounded with a gunshot".

"During the Domestic war of people of Abkhazia tens of our brothers from abroad had risen on protection of Native land, and many of them were lost for its freedom and independence. Then in Turkey and other countries ...
>> full artcle...

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