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Agency Caucasus: Russian Deputy Speaker Calls For Abkhazia´s Recognition

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/3/2005 5:29 PM
Russian Deputy Speaker Calls for Abkhazia´s Recognition
01.10.2005 - 00:33:20

Speaking at the rally in Abkhaz capital Sokhum on September 30, 2005 Deputy Chairman of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin called on the Georgian and Russian authorities to recognize Abkhazia´s independence...

Speaking at the rally in Abkhaz capital Sokhum on September 30, 2005 Deputy Chairman of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin called on the Georgian and Russian authorities to recognize Abkhazia´s independence, Apsnypress news agency reported.

Baburin was speaking at the rally marking 12th anniversary of Abkhazia´s independence.

Georgian troops were forced to leave Abkhazia after a year of fighting on September 30, 1993.

´´Abkhazia has established as a real independent state ´´Recognized´´ or ´´unrecognized´´ who has right to classify states like this?

Who said that the UN membership means existence?´´ Russian MP Baburin ...
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Abkhaz Parliament Adopts Law On Citizenship

posted by FerrasB on September, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/26/2005 12:42 AM
Abkhaz Parliament Adopts Law on Citizenship
23.09.2005 - 00:50:18

The Parliament of Abkhazia adopted, on their first hearing, draft amendments to the law regarding citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia on September 22, 2005...

The Parliament of Abkhazia adopted, on their first hearing, draft amendments to the law regarding citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia on September 22, Apsnypress news agency reported.

The draft law was developed by a special commission, led by Vice-President Raul Khajimba.

According to the draft law, the citizens of the Republic of Abkhazia are:

- ethnic Abkhaz, regardless the place of their residence or their citizenship;

- persons, who have been permanently living in Abkhazia for not less than five years following the adoption of the Act on Independence of the Republic of Abkhazia on October 12, 1999;

Citizens of ...
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Agency Caucasus: Moscow Delivers Aid To Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/26/2005 12:46 AM
Moscow Delivers Aid to Abkhazia
24.09.2005 - 00:34:08

Railway carriages loaded with humanitarian aid dispatched by the Moscow Mayor´s Office arrived in Abkhaz capital Sokhum on September 23, 2005...

Railway carriages loaded with humanitarian aid dispatched by the Moscow Mayor´s Office arrived in Abkhaz capital Sokhum on September 23, Apsnypress news agency reported.

The aid includes 10 trolleybuses, two trucks and high-voltage power lines, according to the Apsnypress.

The aid was dispatched to Abkhazia on September 15, when Abkhaz leader Sergey Bagapsh was visiting Moscow.

(Agency Caucasus)

comments (0) Abkhazia-Russia-Georgia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/26/2005 12:48 AM
24.09.2005 - 00:46:38


Abkhazia, which seceded from Georgia 14 years ago and declared its independence, must have close ties with the Russian Federation in order to survive; there is no way out...

Abkhazia, which seceded from Georgia 14 years ago and declared its independence, must have close ties with the Russian Federation in order to survive; there is no way out, and that is why bilateral relations between these two countries are becoming closer and growing stronger.

Hence, the statements made by Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh during his visit to Moscow last week, conveyed the message that close and strong ties between his country and Russia will grow ever stronger and become ever closer.

Addressing journalists at several news conferences he held during his stay in Moscow, Bagapsh, who ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/19/2005 7:02 AM
16.09.2005 - 00:24:01

President Sergei Bagapsh, Prime Minister Aleksandr Ankvab, Parliament Speaker Nugzar Ashuba, together with government ministers, parliamentary deputies, and district administrators attended the presentation in Sukhum on 9 September of a new draft program for the socioeconomic development of the Republic of Abkhazia, reported...

That desired economic upswing is not, however, seen as an end in itself but as part of the broader process of strengthening Abkhaz statehood.

Speaking at the presentation, the program´s author, Artur Mikvabia, who is Bagapsh´s economic adviser, acknowledged the magnitude of the problems Abkhazia faces 12 years after the end of the civil war in which it won de facto independence from Georgia.

He described the present level of socioeconomic development as ´´comparable with the least developed countries ...
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