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Abkhazia Seeks Agreement On Oil with Russia

posted by FerrasB on September, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/19/2005 7:04 AM
Abkhazia Seeks Agreement on Oil with Russia
16.09.2005 - 00:54:51

President of Abkhazia said on September 16 that Abkhazia is negotiating with a number of Russian oil companies...

President of Abkhazia said on September 16 that Abkhazia is negotiating with a number of Russian oil companies over exploration of the oil field on the Abkhazia´s Black Sea coast.

´´Abkhazia has serious oil reserves,´´ stated The Abkhaz leader.

He said that the oil field is located 9-10 kilometers away from the coast.

´´I think next spring the talks with the Russian companies will enter a decisive stage,´´ Bagapsh added.

(Agency Caucasus)

080705- Republic of Abkhazia

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Russian, Abkhaz Experts Conclude Assessment Of Railway

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/9/2005 1:14 AM
Russian, Abkhaz Experts Conclude Assessment of Railway
05.09.2005 - 00:36:56

A group of Russian and Abkhaz experts discussed the results of an assessment of the current condition of the railway in Abkhazia...

A group of Russian and Abkhaz experts discussed the results of an assessment of the current condition of the

railway in Abkhazia during talks with Vice Premier of The Republic Leonid Lakerbaia on September 3, the

Abkhaz news agency Apsnypress reported.

The joint group of experts prepared a document reflecting the results of the assessment of the nearly 200

Kilometer long railway, according to Apsnypress.

No details from this document were reported.

(Agency Caucasus)

010705 railways

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Russian, Abkhaz Experts Conclude Assessment Of Railway

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/9/2005 1:14 AM
Russian, Abkhaz Experts Conclude Assessment of Railway
05.09.2005 - 00:36:56

A group of Russian and Abkhaz experts discussed the results of an assessment of the current condition of the railway in Abkhazia...

A group of Russian and Abkhaz experts discussed the results of an assessment of the current condition of the

railway in Abkhazia during talks with Vice Premier of The Republic Leonid Lakerbaia on September 3, the

Abkhaz news agency Apsnypress reported.

The joint group of experts prepared a document reflecting the results of the assessment of the nearly 200

Kilometer long railway, according to Apsnypress.

No details from this document were reported.

(Agency Caucasus)

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Turkish Consortium to Reconstruct Tiflis, Batum Airports

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/9/2005 1:18 AM
Turkish Consortium to Reconstruct Tiflis, Batum Airports
06.09.2005 - 00:43:25

Two Turkish companies, TAV and Urban, will start reconstructing the Tiflis International Airport starting in November, according to a contract signed by the Turkish companies and the Georgian authorities on September 6, 2005.

This consortium will invest USD 62 million to reconstruct the Tiflis airport.

According to the agreement, the Tiflis airport will be transferred to the Turkish companies with 15 years management rights.

The two companies plan to invest an additional USD 18 million in the Tiflis airport during this period of time.

According to the Georgian Economy Ministry, TAV and Urban also expressed a readiness to invest USD 15 million in the reconstruction of the Batum airport, in the Adjara Autonomous Republic.

(Agency Caucasus)


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Is A Nuclear Waste Storage To Be Built In Abkhazia?

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/9/2005 1:24 AM
Is a nuclear waste storage to be built in Abkhazia?
07.09.2005 - 00:20:55

Prime Minister of Abkhazia Leonid Lakerbaya discussed Friday expediency of constructing a nuclear waste storage facility...

Prime Minister of Abkhazia Leonid Lakerbaya discussed Friday expediency of constructing a nuclear waste storage facility at the territory of Abkhazia.

Representatives of Sukhum Physics and Technology Institute and Experimental Pathology and Therapy Research Institute also took parting the discussion.

The discussion took place in the threshold of a visit of a group of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts in Abkhazia.

IAEA experts have already been to Abkhazia twice and studied the question how safe the sources of radiation in both institutes are.

According to head of Experimental Pathology and Therapy Research Institute Sergey Ardzinba, the experts had no reprimands to the institute.

The ...
>> full artcle...

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