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Georgia: shelling by Abkhazia kills a policemanCK:

posted by FerrasB on January, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamelove_caucasus  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/6/2007 4:30 AM
Georgia: shelling by Abkhazia kills a policeman

Last night, a Georgian policeman was killed in the zone of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. The authorities of the Zugdidi District of Georgia assert that he was killed as a result of shelling a police post in the village of Ganmukhuri from the territory of the Galskiy District of Abkhazia.

Another Georgian policeman was wounded. Georgia has informed the mission of UN military observers and the command of collective peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone about the incident, the ITAR-TASS reports.

When speaking with the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot," Laurens Kogonia, head of militia unit of the Galskiy District, had refuted the fact of shelling the police post in Ganmukhuri from the territory of the Galskiy District. According to the information at disposal of ...
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Natpress:Abkhazia Calls The World Community To Low Aggravation In Conflict Zone

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/3/2007 9:33 PM

Abkhazia calls the world community to low aggravation in the conflict zone

Abkhazia calls all the participants of the negotiating process to make the prompt consecutive steps for decrease of intensity and threat to peace in the region.

About that it was spoken in the statement of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, widespread on December 29th in connection with the aggravation of the situation in the frontier area of Gali, Abkhazia. The Abkhazian party as it was written in the document, "assigns special hopes for representatives of the United Nations Organization, Russian Federation as the assisting parties and the countries of the Group of Friends of the UN Secretary General which will give the adequate estimation based on the international criteria to the actions and the ...
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KC: Abkhaz Leader Slams Georgian Authorities

posted by FerrasB on December, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/28/2006 3:08 AM
Abkhaz leader slams Georgian authorities
Publication time: Today at 13:01 Djokhar time
The president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh has accused the Georgian authorities of organizing acts of terrorisms at the territory of the breakaway region.

In the interview with the Russian televisions Bagapsh said that series of 'terrorist acts' in the district of Gali had been masterminded by the Georgian secret services.

'Georgia has turned into a terrorist state and the international community should know about it', pointed out the de facto president.

According to the Abkhazian leader, 'the Georgian special services supplied so called Georgian guerrilla groups with arms. We have no doubt that recent terrorist acts in the Gali district were authorized by the Georgian authority'.

Meanwhile the paramilitary unites of Abkhazia has conducted a raid against ethnic Georgians in the ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/15/2006 9:36 AM
Sukhum(i) on November 29, the opposition Forum of National Unity
established early last year (see "RFE/RL Caucasus Report," February
11, 2005) harshly criticized the Abkhaz government headed by Prime
Minister Aleksandr Ankvab for its "destructive political role" and
inability to draft and implement an effective program of action. The
congress, which was attended by Vice President Raul Khadjimba, former
Deputy Prime Minister Anri Djergenia, and several parliament
deputies, asked President Sergei Bagapsh to form a new government
capable of addressing the problems Abkhazia faces, while commending
Bagapsh's efforts to secure international recognition for the
unrecognized republic and to establish associate membership of the
Russian Federation. In a statement on November 30, Bagapsh rejected
the forum's call to dismiss the government, arguing that while
the opposition is entitled to call attention to ...
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Kavkaz Center: Raid Against Georgians In Conflict Zone

posted by FerrasB on November, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/28/2006 3:06 AM
Raid against Georgians in conflict zone
Publication time: Today at 12:45 Djokhar time

15 ethnic Georgian have been kidnapped from the villages of Sida, Nabakevi and Gagida, the lower zone of the district of Gali, the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone.

Reportedly, the raid against ethnic Georgians was led by the deputy chief of Gali militia Otar Turanba and the deputy military commissioner Besik Kirtadze; during the raid a Georgian Ruben Ekhvaia, who resisted the militiamen, was shot and later he was hospitalized to the Gali hospital with a bullet wound.

According to the preliminary data, the raid was held to expose those Georgians, who had evaded the military service; all Georgians, who will lack the Abkhazian passports or notification message #9 will have to be penalized or arrested.

Source: Rustavi-2

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