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Agency Caucasus: Sukhum Hazelnuts Escalate Tension In Gal

posted by FerrasB on October, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/29/2007 3:40 PM
Sukhum hazelnuts escalate tension in Gal     
Sukhum/Agency Caucasus – The reason behind a recent escalation of tension in the Abkhazian region of Gal as a place that hosts a large Georgian population is, strangely enough, the rising price of hazelnuts in the capital city of Abkhazia.

With a recent rise in the hazelnut prices on the market of Sukhum, Abkhazia’s capital, the Gal producers of hazelnut had to sell their products to customers in Sukhum, instead of Georgia. This created a tendency towards violence on the part of Georgian security forces, situated along the border between the two countries, to earn more money, according to Abkhazian officials.

News of a robbery in Gal of a bus full of hazelnut workers placed further emphasis on recent events of seizure. ...
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Agency Caucasus: Shamba Tries To Ease Tension Over Cancellation Of Trip To...

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/21/2007 7:39 AM
Shamba tries to ease tension over cancellation of trip to Turkey     
Sukhum – “Turkish officials did not prevent Abkhazian President’s trip to their country,” Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba said in an effort to ease tension over cancellation of his superior President Sergei Bagapsh’s Turkish trip due to interference from the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh’s trip was cancelled not because of pressure from the Turkish Foreign Ministry but because of the recently mounting political tension over a possible cross-border military operation on North Iraq in response to deadly attacks from the Kurdish Workers’ Party, or PKK, Shamba told the Kavkazki Uzel: “Nobody pressed him to cancel his trip. It would simply have been rude of us, Abkhazians, to mark a special day of our ...
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Agency Caucasus: Abkhazian FM Criticises Western Supply Of Arms To Georgia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/27/2007 3:51 PM
Abkhazian FM criticises western supply of arms to Georgia     
Tbilisi/Agency Caucasus – Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba accused some western countries of supplying arms in “aid” to at the risk of causing a new war across the region.

Mr. Shamba met in the capital city Sukhum of Abkhazia with a group of United Nations officials. His meeting with the UN officials was followed by his accusative statement that the regional security is under growingly serious risk from international green light to Georgian armament.

“It is obvious that the Georgian administration is acting provokingly to trigger the cause for a regional war here. And what is more, is receiving encouragement from some western countries to do so as they supply arms in aid to ,” said Mr. Shamba.

Mr. Shamba ...
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Caucasian Knot:Abkhazian Eparchy: There Are No Georgian Churches And Monasterie

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/18/2007 9:37 AM

Abkhazian Eparchy: there are no Georgian churches and monasteries in Abkhazia

The Abkhazian Eparchy has refuted the statement of President of Georgia Saakashvili about liquidated Georgian Orthodox churches and monasteries in Abkhazia, and declared that there are no Georgian churches and monasteries as such in Abkhazia.

According to Leon Adzindzal, Office Secretary of the Eparchial Administration of Abkhazia, the New-Athon Monastic Complex was built in the 19th century by the Russian monks who arrived from the Athon Sacred Mountain.

"Not a single day, the Monastery was under protection of the Georgian Church," he has emphasized.

As to the Kamanskiy Monastery, according to Adzindzal, it was restored before 1917 by the Russian Orthodox Church and was called the Women's Vasilisko-Zlatoustovskiy Monastery. The Drandskiy and Mokvskiy Monasteries were also under ...
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Agency Caucasus: Bagapsh’s Trip ets Cancelled

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/18/2007 10:04 AM
Bagapsh’s trip gets cancelled     
Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh had to cancel its trip to Turkey as he met with persistent objection from the Turkish Foreign Ministry not to do so.

Already displeased with news of the Abkhazian trip to Turkey, officials of the Turkish Foreign Ministry pressed Abkhazian officials in Sukhum, capital of Abkhazia, to cancel their plans of the trip that had been scheduled to October 17.

The Turkish officials were careful not to disturb Georgia with Bagapsh being allowed to meet with members of the Abkhazian Diaspora; therefore, the Turkish government tried first to alter the structure of the trip. Unable to do so, the government then sought cancellation of the trip.

Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba was contacted through the Turkish embassy in Tbilisi to cancel ...
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