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IWPR: Abkhazia Welcomes Mountain Minority

posted by FerrasB on November, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/2/2007 12:20 AM
Abkhazia Welcomes Mountain Minority

Ethnic kin encouraged by promise of land and jobs to move to Abkhazia.

By Bella Ksalova in Karachai-Cherkessia and Anahit Gogorian in Abkhazia (CRS No. 417 01-Nov-07)
Ella Rakhmetova, an Abaza, lives in a house in the village of Krasny Vostok with no running water. She’s forced to use a well in the next street.

“My brother moved to Abkhazia three years ago and everything is working out for him there,” she said. “He has even started his own small business. My husband and I want to move there next year.”

Rakhmetova said that she would have left earlier if she had been able to sell her house. The choice for the Abaza, a small minority in the Russian autonomous republic of Karachai-Cherkessia, is increasingly clear. “Now Abaza ...
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IWPR: Georgia Demands Russian Exit From Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/2/2007 12:22 AM
Georgia Demands Russian Exit from Abkhazia

Abkhaz talk of war as Tbilisi calls for end to Russian peacekeeping mission

By Irakly Lagvilava in Ganmukhuri, Dmitry Avaliani in Tbilisi and Inal Khashig in Sukhum (CRS No. 417 01-Nov-07)
The situation in Abkhazia is darkening after the Georgian government demanded that Russian peacekeepers pull out of the conflict zone, following a clash on the border in which the Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili personally intervened.

The Abkhaz authorities have said they fear a new war, while the Russian authorities have accused Tbilisi of destabilising the already fragile situation in the conflict zone. The Georgian opposition, while supporting the pullout of the Russians in principle, questioned the timing of the announcement just ahead of a major opposition rally in the Georgian capital Tbilisi.

The speaker of ...
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Interfax: Peacekeepers Disarm Some Georgian Soldiers... Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/30/2007 3:43 AM

09:25 GMT, Oct 30, 2007

Peacekeepers disarm some Georgian soldiers in

Georgian-Abkhaz conflictzone (Part 2)

MOSCOW. Oct 30 (Interfax-AVN) - A patrol of Russian peacekeepers

disarmed a group of Georgian soldiers in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

zone on Tuesday.

"A group of Georgian soldiers who threatened to use arms against

peacekeepers was disarmed and detained," Joint Peacekeeping Forces

spokesman Alexander Diordiyev told Interfax-AVN told Interfax on


The peacekeeping patrol led by commander of the 527th Separate

Infantry Battalion Lieut. Col. Sergei Yenin was ordered to patrol the

security zone in the Gali district of Abkhazia and the adjacent part of

Georgia's Zugdidi region, Diordiyev said.

"The peacekeepers were monitoring the situation in the region and

the implementation of the 1994 Moscow agreement on the ceasefire and the

detachment of forces. In addition, a doctor of the peacekeeping

battalion was monitoring the pig epizootic, sanitary ...
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RFE/RL: Georgian Leader Confronts Russian Troops After 'Beatings'

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/31/2007 5:56 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Georgian Leader Confronts Russian Troops After 'Beatings'

Georgia -- President Mikhiel Saakashvili at the village of Ganmukhuri in the Abkhaz conflict zone, 30Oct2007
Saakashvili made an emergency visit to Ganmukhuri
October 31, 2007 -- Tensions between Moscow and Tbilisi have escalated following allegations that Russian peacekeepers seized and beat several Georgian police officers near the breakaway region of Abkhazia.

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili on October 30 made an emergency helicopter trip to the region, where he confronted Russian peacekeeping troops and ordered their commander to leave the country.

"If such an incident occurs again, you will draw Russia and Georgia into an enormous provocation," Saakashvili told Russian troops in a face-to-face confrontation.

Saakashvili's standoff with the peacekeepers was captured by television cameras and broadcast in Russia and Georgia. It took ...
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Agency Caucasus: Georgia Releases Abkhazian Captives

posted by FerrasB on October, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/29/2007 3:38 PM
Georgia releases Abkhazian captives     
Tbilisi – Georgia released on Saturday seven Abkhazian soldiers more than one month after some Georgian commandos captured them from the Abkhazian region of Tkaurchal.

David Bakradze, a Georgian state official in charge of management across the conflict zones, was on Friday in Sukhum, Abkhazia’s capital, to meet with Sergei Shamba, the Foreign Minister of Abkhazia. His announcement of plans to release the Abkhazian captives very soon came only one day before the soldiers were handed in to the United Nations office in Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia. The Abkhazian soldiers will possibly arrive safely at their country on Sunday.

The Georgian court of law sentenced the Abkhazian captives to five years in prison when they were kept as captives.

The Georgian ...
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