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Agency Caucasus: UN To Detect How The Fighting Happened

posted by FerrasB on September, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/23/2007 4:15 AM
UN to detect how the fighting happened     
Sukhum/Agency Caucasus – The United Nations will have the final say in deciding how the Georgian commando squads fought with the Abkhazian security forces.

The United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia, UNOMIG, sent a group of officials to the region where the fighting took place to find out how it really happened. The UNONIMOG is officially assigned the task of observing compliance on both parts with the ceasefire agreement across the controversial zone. Abkhazian officials accused the Georgian sabotage group of igniting the fighting when the group attacked a military training camp in Tkaurchal, 10 kilometres away from the Abkhazian-controlled Kodor valley. Georgian officials, however, argued that the fighting began when the Abkhazian security forces were stopped as they entered ...
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Radio Adiga: Abkhaz, Georgian Gunmen Clash

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/22/2007 9:47 AM
22 09 2007
Abkhaz, Georgian gunmen clash

Abkhaz and Georgian gunmen clashed Thursday, Abkhazian officials said, resulting in the deaths of at least two soldiers and prompting angry threats from the breakaway region's president.

The gunbattle was the one of the most serious incidents to occur in some time between Abkhazia and the Georgian central government, which has sought to regain control over it.

An Abkhazian Defense Ministry official said gunmen appearing to be Georgian special forces attacked a training camp for Abkhazian troops in the western Tkvarcheli district, on the internal border separating Abkhazia from Georgia.

At least two soldiers were killed, four were wounded and another five were missing, the official said. Abkhazia's foreign minister, Sergei Shamba, said however that 10 soldiers were missing in the incident.

Georgia's allegations:

Georgian Interior Ministry ...
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Radio Adiga: Abkhaz, Georgian Gunmen Clash

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/22/2007 9:47 AM
22 09 2007
Abkhaz, Georgian gunmen clash

Abkhaz and Georgian gunmen clashed Thursday, Abkhazian officials said, resulting in the deaths of at least two soldiers and prompting angry threats from the breakaway region's president.

The gunbattle was the one of the most serious incidents to occur in some time between Abkhazia and the Georgian central government, which has sought to regain control over it.

An Abkhazian Defense Ministry official said gunmen appearing to be Georgian special forces attacked a training camp for Abkhazian troops in the western Tkvarcheli district, on the internal border separating Abkhazia from Georgia.

At least two soldiers were killed, four were wounded and another five were missing, the official said. Abkhazia's foreign minister, Sergei Shamba, said however that 10 soldiers were missing in the incident.

Georgia's allegations:

Georgian Interior Ministry ...
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Georgia: What Is Behind Expansion Of Armed Forces?

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/21/2007 8:13 AM
Georgia: What Is Behind Expansion Of Armed Forces?

By Liz Fuller and Richard Giragosian

Georgia -- Georgian troops, armed forces prepare for May 26 military parade to mark the Independence Day of Georgia, 19May2006
What is the reason for Georgia's military buildup?
September 19, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- Georgia's parliament voted overwhelmingly on September 14 to adopt a bill aimed at enlarging the country's armed forces by forming an additional fifth brigade numbering 2,500 men.

That move would raise the total manpower of the Georgian armed forces to 32,000, which is more than twice the optimum figure of 13,000-15,000 initially recommended in the 2005 assessment conducted by the U.S. State Department's International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) at the request of the Georgian government.

Meanwhile, the parliament's Defense and Security Committee also approved an increase ...
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IWPR: Abkhazia: Searching For The Missing Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/15/2007 2:11 AM
Abkhazia: Searching for the Missing

Official mistrust hampers Georgian and Abkhaz parents in their search for the remains of their missing sons.

By Koba Liklikadze in Tbilisi and Anahid Gogorian in Sukhum (CRS No. 410 13-Sept-07)
Bella Zaldastanishvili has been dressed in black for the past 14 years. On September 22, 1992, just four days before the war in Abkhazia ended, she lost four people dear to her - two sons and her twin brothers.

An Abkhaz missile hit a plane carrying Bella's sons and brothers along with other Georgian soldiers as it was landing at Babushera airport in Abkhazia, killing everyone on board.

Despite all her efforts, Bella has failed to find the remains of her loved ones so she can give them a proper burial.

Guli Kichba, an Abkhaz woman, lost ...
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