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Agency Caucasus: Bagapsh Scheduled To Be In Turkey On October 17

posted by FerrasB on September, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/14/2007 6:03 PM
Bagapsh scheduled to be in Turkey on October 17     
Istanbul/Agency Caucasus – Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh will take his Turkish tour on October 17 months after he had to cancel his plans of a similar tour because of a heart attack he suffered in April.

Irfan Argun, head of an organization in that overlooks cooperation among the Abkhazian Diaspora, said in his statement that Mr. Bagapsh will be in Istanbul on October 17 if nothing bad occurs. Mr. Bagapsh will stay three days in Istanbul and then will move on October 21 to the Uzuncaorman village of the Hendek district of Sakarya, a north-eastern city of in the Marmara province. Mr. Bagapsh will travel the same day to Ankara, the capital city of Ankara , where he ...
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REGNUM: Abkhaz Leader And Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Meet In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/8/2007 4:06 PM
16:59 07.09.2007
Permanent news address:
Abkhaz leader and Russian deputy foreign minister meet in Moscow

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, State Secretary Grigory Karasin and Abkhaz President Sergey Bagapsh have had a meeting in Moscow today.

As the Press and Information Department of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs informed REGNUM, during the meeting they discussed the current state of affairs in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict settlement and difficulties putting obstacles on the way of resuming the negotiation process.

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IWPR: Georgians Angry At Abkhazia Peacekeepers

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/7/2007 1:08 AM
Georgians Angry At Abkhazia Peacekeepers

A series of confrontations between Georgian locals and Russian peacekeepers raises the temperature near ceasefire line.

By Tamuna Shonia in Zugdidi and Natia Kuprashvili in Tbilisi (CRS No. 409 06-Sept-07)
The Georgian authorities are stepping up a campaign against Russian peacekeepers on their territory, highlighting a recent series of incidents in which they say the soldiers have abused the local population.

The most recent row has been over South Ossetia, where two Russian soldiers serving in the North Ossetian battalion of the joint peacekeeping force were detained by the Georgians last week.

The two men are still in custody after the Georgian authorities accused them of illegally detaining four Georgian television journalists and three other people.

The Russian foreign ministry called the arrest of the soldiers a “gross ...
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Agency Caucasus: Abkhazia Needs More Permanent Educational Staff

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/7/2007 6:14 AM
Abkhazia needs more permanent educational staff     

Sukhum/Agency Caucasus – Abkhazian Minister of Education Indira Vardaniya defined at a press conference yesterday one of the most fundamental educational problems as the inadequate number of staff members.

Students are tested in interviews before they are officially allowed to study teaching as a profession at the State University of Abkhazia with a view towards solving this problem, said Vardaniya.

Inadequacy in the number of teachers is issuing both from the fact that not all graduates of the teaching department do the teaching as a profession and some teachers tend to resign from their profession, according to Vardaniya.

The minister of education spoke in his press conference of plans to merge schools in some villages as well. Even some wealthy countries tend to ...
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Abkhazia: Journalists Outline Grievances To President

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/7/2007 8:29 AM
Abkhazia: Journalists Outline Grievances To President

By Liz Fuller

Georgia/Abkhazia -- Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh answers questions from journalists at a gathering in Freedom Square, Sukhumi, to support independence for the breakaway republic of Abkhazia, 06Dec2006
Journalists are not alone in turning to President Bagapsh directly (file photo)
August 28, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- The leader of Abkhazia recently met in Sukhum(i) with a group of independent journalists who issued a statement in July deploring what they termed official harassment and restrictions on media freedom in the breakaway Georgian region.

Sergei Bagapsh acknowledged that their grievances are at least partly justified, but it remains doubtful whether the de facto president's calls for the government bureaucracy to adopt a more cooperative stance vis-a-vis the independent media will be heeded.

Press Face Many Restrictions

The problems facing ...
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