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RFE/RL: Abkhaz Prosecutor Warns Former Vice President

posted by circassiankama on September, 2009 as Abkhazia

September 16, 2009

Abkhaz Prosecutor Warns Former Vice President

The Abkhaz prosecutor's office on September 15 accused former Vice President Raul Khadjimba of seeking in recent statements to discredit the republic's law enforcement agencies in general and the prosecutor's office in particular.

Speaking at a conference of the war veterans' union Aruaa, Khadjimba had openly challenged the official explanation for the arrest in late June of Aruaa member Colonel Valmer Butba.

A former career KGB officer who subsequently served as Abkhaz defense minister (2001-03) and then prime minister (2003-04), Khadjimba ran against Sergei Bagapsh in the 2004 presidential election with the overt backing of Moscow. Bagapsh defeated Khadjimba in the first round, triggering an armed standoff between supporters of the two rival candidates ...

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Window on Eurasia: Might Turkey be the Next Country to Recognize Abkhazia?

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Window on Eurasia: Might Turkey be the Next Country to Recognize Abkhazia?


Paul Goble


            Vienna, September 15 – Despite a year of intense effort, Moscow has secured recognition for the breakaway republics of Abkhazia only from pariah states like Nicaragua and Venezuela and then only by extending aid packages to them so large that even Russian commentators have suggested they represent little more than bribes.

            But now, there appears to be a chance that Turkey, despite denials by its officials, might break the embargo against recognition because of Ankara’s desire to play a greater role in the Caucasus region, its own long-standing experience as the only country to recognize the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, and the influence of its own Abkhaz and Circassian communities.

            A week ago in ...

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RFE/RL President Jeffrey Gedmin and Georgia

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

RFE/RL President Jeffrey Gedmin and Georgia.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2008  


Dr. Jeffrey Gedmin, President Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty: Georgia's past and future
“Liberty is not easy to gain, it needs struggle. I don’t want to ruin that stereotype and wish Radio Liberty stay the same forever – a radio which fights for our freedom” – said Zviad Koridze, a Georgian journalist, who has vast experience in TV and print journalism.

GT: About future plans, should we expect that Radio Liberty will continue its concept and go on air in South Ossetia and Abkhazia too?

JG: I would ...

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AW: Obituary: Yuri Voronov

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

September 11 - SUKHUM, ABKHAZIA - Today 14 years ago a prominent public figure and a politician of Abkhazia Jury Nikolaevich Voronov perished. The Vice Prime Minister, a MP, a world-known scientist Jury Voronov was viciously slain on the night from September 11 to September 12, 1995 at his apartment’s threshold.

Today, on September 11, his friend, family, schoolchildren have laid flowers to Jury Voronov's grave.

Obituary: Yuri Voronov

by George Hewitt - Independent, The (London) , Sep 15, 1995

The assassination of Yuri Voronov at his home in Sukhum, capital of the tiny Transcaucasian Republic of Abkhazia, robbed the Abkhazians of not only their Deputy Prime Minister but also a staunch champion of their struggle to establish their right to self-determination.

Born in 1941, Voronov specialised in the archaeology and ancient history of the western Caucasus. ...

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Journal of Turkish Weekly: Nicaragua Signs Deal On Diplomatic Ties With Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

w    w    w    .    t    u    r    k    i    s    h    w    e    e    k    l    y    .    n    e    t

Nicaragua Signs Deal on Diplomatic Ties With Ex-Georgian Republic

Friday, 11 September 2009

Nicaragua and the former Georgian republic of Abkhazia have signed an agreement on establishing diplomatic relations, Nicaraguan media reported.

The Central American country recognized the independence of Abkhazia, along with Georgia's other breakaway republic, South Ossetia, following Russia's example after its conflict with Georgia in August 2008.

On Thursday, Venezuela joined Russia and Nicaragua in recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia as sovereign states, a move condemned by Georgia, which considers the republics part ...

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