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NatPress: Bagapsh ordered To Sink Georgian Ships In Territorial Waters Of Abkhazia

posted by eagle on September, 2009 as Abkhazia

Bagapsh ordered to sink Georgian ships in territorial waters of Abkhazia 

The President Sergey Bagapsh has ordered the Navy of Abkhazia to open a destruction fire on Georgian ships if they continue their acts of piracy in the territorial waters of Abkhazia.

“Georgia continues with its acts of piracy near the territorial waters of Abkhazia, seizing foreign vessels with humanitarian cargo that are heading to our country. In this connection I took a decision on the use of appropriate measures”, the President told Apsnypress.

“The order has been given to the Navy of Abkhazia to open fire if Georgian ships continue their acts of piracy. I underline the order has been given to Abkhazia’s Navy, as for the Russian troops in the region they are acting within the frameworks of the existing intergovernmental agreement”, Sergey Bagapsh specified.

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Today's Zaman: Turkey-Abkhazia Relations May Harm Turkish-Georgian Friendship

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

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RFE/RL: One Year After 'Independence,' Abkhazia And South Ossetia In Legal Gray Zone

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

One Year After 'Independence,' Abkhazia And South Ossetia In Legal Gray Zone

Tskhinvali residents celebrate the first anniversary of Russia's recognition of South Ossetia's independence.

August 26, 2009
By Brian Whitmore
One Turkish-operated ship was bound for Abkhazia carrying a supply of fuel. Another vessel was departing for Turkey with a cargo of scrap metal. Both were seized by Georgia's coast guard last week for violating a ban on trade with its breakaway territory.

The incidents, which sparked howls of protest from Sukhumi, illustrate the ambiguous legal gray zone Abkhazia finds itself in one year after winning coveted recognition of its independence by Russia.

It was just weeks after fighting a bitter five-day war with Georgia last summer that Russia shocked the world ...

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RFE/RL: Smuggling Dispute Between Sukhumi, Tbilisi Enters Uncharted Waters, Legally

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Smuggling Dispute Between Sukhumi, Tbilisi Enters Uncharted Waters, Legally

Georgia says it will impound any ships delivering cargo to breakway Abkhazia using its Black Sea coast.

September 04, 2009
By Charles Recknagel
As the war of words escalates between Georgia and breakaway Abkhazia, Tbilisi this week sent a strong warning to any sea captains tempted to deliver cargo to the secessionist region.

A Georgian court sentenced a Turkish captain convicted of taking fuel to Abkhazia to 24 years in jail. The charge: smuggling.

That is a charge that Abkhazia, which has declared independence from Georgia, would hotly dispute. Authorities in Sukhumi say that Tbilisi has no right to police the waters offshore of Abkhazia and this week they threatened to sink any Georgian ...

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comments (0) South Ossetia, Abkhazia Jail Two for Spying

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

S.Ossetia, Abkhazia Jail Two for Spying
Court in Tskhinvali found a former serviceman of breakaway South Ossetia’s border guard unit guilty of spying in favor of the Georgian side and sentenced him to 16 years in prison.

Temur Gutsmazti was arrested and charged with treason in September, 2008. The breakaway region’s government has claimed that Gutsmazti was providing the Georgian Interior Ministry information of military nature.

Meanwhile, in breakaway Abkhazia a local supreme court found guilty a 40-year-old woman of spying in favor of Georgia and sentenced her to 19 years in prison, according to the Russian media reports. Diana Shedania was arrested in September, 2008.

On August 28 Russia’s North Caucasus Military Court found a former deputy commander of one of the Russia’s military units of North Caucasus Military District, Lt.-Col Mikhail Khachidze, ...

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