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posted by circassiankama on October, 2009 as Abkhazia


03/10/2009 20:00       ABKHAZIA, SUKHUM

Abkhazia and Georgia have repeatedly approached to the signing of agreements guaranteeing security and stability in the region, but every time, Georgia refused to sign these documents in the end, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba said today at a news conference in Sukhum.

Now, according to him, this process goes on within the frameworks of the ...

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Moscow Top News: Abkhazia: origins of independence

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Today Abkhazia is celebrating 16th independence anniversary. On September 30 1993 Abkhaz troops defeated the numerically superior forces of the adversary, the republic's "big brother" - Georgia. Abkhazia paid a high price for its freedom: according to unveiled data over five thousand Abkhazians were dead in the course of the conflict. The names of these heroes are commemorated today in Sukhum, Gagra and other towns of the independent country Georgia Times reports.


On August 14 1992 the National Guard of Georgia entered Abkhazia after the local government revalidated the Soviet republic's constitution and its autonomous status on Georgia's secession from the USSR. It took three thousand soldiers led by Defense Minister Tengiz Kitovani three days to occupy most of the Abkhaz territory. However light-armed resistance forces of the autonomous republic ...

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Jamestown Foundation: Turkey Considers The Status Of Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Turkey Considers the Status of Abkhazia

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 6 Issue: 182
October 5, 2009 04:32 PM Age: 21 hrs
Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Foreign Policy, Turkey, Georgia, Home Page

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

In response to a question as to whether Ankara and Moscow have reached a deal to recognize Abkhazia and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated: “Russia will not enter a deal implying the recognition of Northern Cyprus in exchange for Turkish recognition of Abkhazia” (Zaman, October 4).

The debate was originally triggered by an article written by Paul Goble in the Moscow Times on September 16. Goble argued that: “There appears to be a chance that Turkey, despite denials by its officials, might break the embargo against ...

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Abkhazia Today: Interview with Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Interview with Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba

The following Issues Points interview was conducted by Saylor Company with His Excellency Sergei Shamba, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia.

IP: Minister Shamba, do you see other nations joining Nicaragua, Russia, South Ossetia, and Venezuela in recognizing Abkhazia as in independent state?

Shamba: We welcome any who do so. We understand that we need to earn recognition, and we are moving forward with an array of nation building programs that will enhance our international standing. But to get to essence of your question, we know some nations are hesitant to recognize us because of their relations with Georgia. We respect their caution. Nevertheless, I say to those nations that the Abkhaz people do not want be part of ...

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RIAN: Russia to help Abkhazia with postal, telecommunications services

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

MOSCOW, September 28 (RIA Novosti) - Abkhazia and Russia have signed a memorandum that will see the former Georgian republic establish its own independent telecommunication and postal services, the Abkhaz Apsnypress news agency said on Monday.

The memorandum was signed by Naum Marder, Russia's deputy communications minister, and Christian Bzhania, from Abkhazia's information and communications department. Russia is to provide Abkhazia with telephone codes for landline and mobile phones.

"Handing over a territorial code means that in the near future [Abkhazian] all types of providers will move to replace Georgian telephone codes with Abkhazian," Christian Bzhania was quoted by Apsnypress as saying.

Russia will also provide assistance in organizing a postal service, radio control system and the setting up a training center for communications specialists.

Russia recognized the independence of the former Georgian republics of ...

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