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A reply to EDITORIAL: Bulldogging Georgia - The Washington Times (22 Oct. 2009)

posted by circassiankama on October, 2009 as Abkhazia

A reply to EDITORIAL: Bulldogging Georgia - The Washington Times (22 Oct. 2009)
The article describes Russia’s  ”occupation “ of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, thereby naively accepting the Georgian argument that treats them as parts of Georgia. This prejudges the issue and presents the American readership with a simplistic conclusion about a problem in the far-distant Caucasus, which few in the West can probably locate on a map, let alone properly understand.
No doubt, it is a difficult lesson to learn that it was Georgian troops who crossed the Georgian-Abkhazian border along the River Ingur when they invaded Abkhazia on 14 August 1992 to fight a 13-month war to subjugate us Abkhazians. The Abkhazian nation survived despite the attempt of the Georgian establishment to rid itself of our nation for the impudence we had shown in ...

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The Washington Times: Abkhazia will succeed

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Friday, October 16, 2009

Abkhazia will succeed

My country is recognized by Russia, Nicaragua and Venezuela. A long-awaited European Union report recently concluded that any government recognizing us would be violating the law.

You might wonder then why I am so optimistic, indeed certain, that the independence of Abkhazia not only is assured, but that we will thrive politically and economically. Furthermore, ...

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CircassianWorld: Akhra Started Active Work

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Akhra Started Active Work

September 27, 1993, Sukhum, the capital of Abkhazia, was freed from Georgian troops. This directly involved Caucasian volunteers. In particular, the man who hoisted the flag over the Abkhazian Government House was a Kabardian Volunteer - Aslan Abayev.

On the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the liberation of Sukhum, there was a solemn procession in the city. Members of the Adyghe Khase, Republic of Abkhazia (Akhra), together with a delegation from the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (KBR), gathered in the square at the front of the Memorial of Glory, laid wreaths of flowers in honour of the victims of the Abkhazian Patriotic War of 1992-93. At the memorial (in the form of a dagger) were written the names of all those who gave their lives for the freedom of Abkhazia. Among these ...

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Scraps of Moscow: Abkhazian National Library - a thank-you, and an R.I.P.

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Abkhazian National Library - a thank-you, and an R.I.P.

When I visited Abkhazia this spring, I was assuming I would encounter a substantial degree of hostility toward me as an American.  In fact, I encountered nothing of the sort.  I also encountered substantially less Sovok than I had expected.  One of the more pleasant experiences of my time in Sukhumi was visiting the national library and talking with the librarians and archivists there.  These professionals offered me more research assistance than I would have expected to receive (having arrived unintroduced and unaccredited) in Moscow or Washington at similar establishments - granted, researchers ...

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AbkhazWorld: Europe must stand up for Abkhazia and S. Ossetia: 'Response to recent correspondence in The Guardian'

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Europe must stand up for Abkhazia and S. Ossetia: 'Response to recent correspondence in The Guardian'
Friday, 09 October 2009 15:01

Vaclav Havel and the co-signatories of his letter (Guardian 22nd September), ''Europe must stand up for Georgia'' 

The lessons of history seem not to have been learnt by your correspondents, for they blindly ignore the fact of the existence of both Abkhazia and South Ossetia as entities in their own right. As long as the problem is (mis)conceived as a purely Russo-Georgian affair, in which Russia is demonized as the aggressor and Georgia the victim, there will be no resolution. Mr. Havel and his colleagues are perhaps unaware that the borders of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic were drawn by Georgian nationals, Stalin ...

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