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UNPO: UNPO Congratulates New Foreign Minister of Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on March, 2010 as Abkhazia

UNPO Congratulates New Foreign Minister of Abkhazia
Friday, 26 February 2010

UNPO expresses delight at appointment of UNPO representative Maxim Gunjia as new Abkhazian Minister for Foreign Affairs

The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is delighted to hear of the appointment of Mr. Maxim Gunjia as Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia today, February 26 2010.

Gunjia has been Abkhazia’s representative to UNPO since 2005, building on 14 years of collaboration. During his term, both parties continued to foment a collaborative relationship of respect and understanding. We believe the appointment will go some way to recognizing the diplomatic achievements of Gunjia since 2004, whereby he became deputy foreign minister. UNPO equally congratulates Gunjia’s predecessor, Mr. Sergei Shamba who has now been appointed ...

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ITAR-TASS: Maxim Gvindzhia appointed Abkhazian foreign minister

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Maxim Gvindzhia appointed Abkhazian foreign minister
Friday, 26 February 2010 12:08


SUKHUM, February 26 (Itar-Tass) -- Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh on Friday appointed Maxim Gvindzhia the country’s foreign minister.

Gvindzhia, 34, graduated from the Gorlovka State Institute of Foreign Languages, Ukraine in 1998. He joined the Abkhazian diplomatic corps in 1999. He was deputy foreign minister from March 2004 and Abkhazia’s envoy to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) from 2005.

Gvindzhia is the youngest minister in the Abkhazian government. Under the Abkhazian laws, the country’s cabinet resigned on February 13 when the newly elected president, Sergei Bagapsh, took office. On the same day, the president ...

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posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia


The Georgia State Ministry for Reintegration is currently pressuring NGOs working in Abkhazia not to sign documents with the Republic‘s Government that would establish a legal framework for them to operate in this country.  This untoward and unauthorized political maneuvering – a clear interference in our internal affairs – could unnecessarily disrupt NGO humanitarian services from 12 international organizations to thousands of innocent civilians. 

The Republic of Abkhazia has been negotiating in good faith with NGOs operating in our country for a year and a half to establish a legal framework that would enable them to continue their much-needed work here.  Since the dissolution of the Moscow Agreement of 1994, in ...

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RT: Abkhazia will respond to potential aggression from Georgia

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia will respond to potential aggression from Georgia

Should Georgia challenge Abkhazia’s independence, the republic knows how to react, Abkhazian president Sergey Bagapsh told RT. He also spoke about a Russian military base and the republic’s international aspirations.

RT: Your meeting with President Medvedev resulted in the signing of several treaties. What help is Abkhazia expecting to receive from Russia?

SB: We signed ten documents, most of them of an economic nature. I think the most important ones were the documents concerning the development of transport infrastructure: construction of our airport and its operation, maritime traffic, roads, railways… These are the directions in which any economy should move, and Abkhazia is not an exception here. We signed an agreement on the Emergencies Ministry activities – rescue work on land and ...

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RT: First Abkhazian president dies

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

First Abkhazian president dies

04 March, 2010, 11:28

Vladislav Ardzinba, who became the first president of Abkhazia after a bloody conflict with Georgia in early 1990s, died in a Moscow hospital Wednesday.

Ardzinba was born in Abkhazia and spend most of his life there. During the final years of the Soviet Union, he was a politician and a people’s deputy from the autonomous area.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, he led the Abkhaz Defense Committee, and due to his leadership qualities played a crucial role in securing Abkhazia’s victory against Georgian forces at a time when the region was fighting for its independence from Tbilisi.

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In 1994, Ardzinba was elected president of ...

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