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Condolences on the death of Vladislav Ardzinba

posted by circassiankama on March, 2010 as Abkhazia

Condolences on the death of Vladislav Ardzinba
Tuesday, 09 March 2010 07:56


John Colarusso sent condolences in connection with the first President Vladislav Ardzinba's Death

March 11, 2010

The pictorial memorial to Ardzinba was very touching.

It was a great privilege for me to have known him, both before he became president of Abkhazia and during his tenure in office.

He was a brave and strong man, who was also friendly and highly intelligent. He had "the common touch," as we say in English: I first met him in London at a conference in 1990. He and I, along with Slava Chirikba and another Abkhazian, stayed up into the ...

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RT: EU hinders economic development in Abkhazia - president

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

EU hinders economic development in Abkhazia - president
Saturday, 13 March 2010 08:48


March 12 -- The republic’s president, Sergey Bagapsh, calls the attitude of the EU towards his country illogical. He expressed his concerns at a meeting with EU Ambassador for Southern Caucasus Peter Semneby.

Bagapsh pointed out that Europe contradicts its own proclaimed principle of distinguishing political issues from economic ones.

As an example, Bagapsh drew on the incident when Finland’s Foreign Ministry banned the company Nokia from buying mobile communication

"Everybody has to understand that Abkhazia has to live and develop, develop its business. We’ll try to protect the people who work ...

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comments (0) Potsdam University professor Dieter Boden in Abkhazia on AGU Invitation

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Potsdam University professor Dieter Boden in Abkhazia on AGU Invitation
Thursday, 11 March 2010 23:14


March 11,  SUKHUM, Abkhazia -- The deputy Foreign Minister of Abkhazia Daur Kove met with the Potsdam University professor Dieter Boden in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

In 1995-1996 Dieter Boden was the head of the OSCE Special Mission in Georgia, and in December, 1999 was appointed Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict and worked in this position for two years and a half.

Welcoming the scientist, Daur Kove said that Dieter Boden was a well- known person in Abkhazia. "You known well enough the problems of ...

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posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia


Territory unites to mourn Ardzinba, though divisions remain.

By Anaid Gogoryan in Sukhum

Abkhazia has united to bury Vladislav Ardzinba, the man who led it to victory over Georgian forces, but opposition activists say the republic’s new leaders are betraying his legacy.

Ardzinba, who died in Moscow aged 64, was buried on March 9 with tributes from all over Abkhazia, which was recognised as independent by Russia in 2008 after 15 years of self-declared statehood.

He was elected chairman of Abkhazia’s Supreme Soviet in 1990, when the Soviet Union still existed but after clashes between Abkhaz and Georgians had already sown the seeds of the war that would break out in 1992.

"Vladislav Ardzinba’s services to the people of Abkhazia are priceless,” Sergei Bagapsh, his successor as president of the Black ...
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comments (0) Shamba to EU Diplomat: 'Abkhazia Reliable Partner'

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Shamba to EU Diplomat: 'Abkhazia Reliable Partner'

Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 13 Mar.'10 / 01:44

Sokhumi spares no effort to affirm that there is no reason to make Abkhazia an "outcast from the European community," Sergey Shamba, the breakaway region's PM, said on March 12, according to the Abkhaz news agency, Apsnipress.

Shamba, who before becoming PM last month served as foreign minister for twelve years, met with visiting EU Special Representative for South Caucasus, Peter Semneby, in Sokhumi.

According to Apsnipress, the European diplomat informed Shamba about EU's proposals on engagement with Sokhumi.

According to a recent report on Abkhazia by Brussels-based think tank, International Crisis Group (ICG), in December, 2009 EU’s Political and Security Committee agreed a "non-paper on the parameters for EU’s non-recognition and engagement policy for Abkhazia and South Ossetia" aimed at carving ...

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