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NatPress: Last Respect Paid To The First President Of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba

posted by eagle on March, 2010 as Abkhazia

05 March 2010 – NatPress.Net

Today in Moscow the last respect is being paid to the first President of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba who died on Thursday in a Moscow clinic.

Civil funeral rites over the first President of Abkhazia began at 11:00am at the Cultural centre of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Hundreds came to pay the last respect to Vladislav Ardzinba including representatives of Abkhaz Diaspora, Russian political elite, public organizations. The mourning meeting will begin at 12:30pm, Raisa Pogorelaya, the first President of Abkhazia's assistant told "Apsnypress".

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RFE/RL: Defeated Abkhaz Presidential Candidate Calls On Opposition To Close Ranks

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Defeated Abkhaz Presidential Candidate Calls On Opposition To Close Ranks

Raul Khajimba (file photo)

February 24, 2010
Three months after his defeat in the December 10 presidential election, former Abkhaz Vice President Raul Khajimba convened a press conference in Sukhumi on February 23 at which he called on the opposition to begin new consultations with the aim of closing ranks and coordinating its activities.

He called among other things for the creation of a coalition government; for parity representation for the opposition on the Central Election Commission; and for the passage by parliament of a law on opposition parties.

The opposition Party of Economic Development of Abkhazia, whose leader Beslan Butba also ran unsuccessfully in the December election, has likewise called for the passage of such a law, that ...

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Abkhazia Travel: A new website: Abkhazia.Travel

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

A new website: Abkhazia.Travel
Saturday, 27 February 2010 16:35


On February 17 the State Committee for Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Abkhazia started to operate an official website for tourists.

This is currently the only official source of up-to-date information about resorts and tourist facilities in Abkhazia.

The sections of the website include: reference information for tourists with contact information for government agencies; hotels and sanatoria; road maps; descriptions of popular tourist spots and excursion routes, including for extreme tourism.

According to committee chairman Tengiz Lakerbai, the website will serve as a reference and educational resource for everyone with an interest in Abkhazia.

Pages of the website are devoted ...

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Abkhazworld: Abkhazia to monitor Georgian-U.S. exercises in Black Sea

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia to monitor Georgian-U.S. exercises in Black Sea
Friday, 26 February 2010 09:56


SUKHUM, Abkhazia, February 26 (Interfax) - Abkhazia plans to closely monitor upcoming Georgian-U.S. military exercises but will not put its armed forces on alert, Abkhaz Deputy Defense Minister Garry Kupalba said.

"The Abkhaz troops will not be put on alert because of the planned Georgian-U.S. exercises in the Black Sea. We will closely follow these exercises," Kupalba said.

Abkhaz armed forces as well as the Russian 7th military base and Russian border guard units stationed in Abkhazia have enough forces and resources to counter any aggression attempt on Georgia's part, he said.

"A joint action plan for ...

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comments (0) Abkhazia is interested in establishing diplomatic relations with Argentina

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhazia is interested in establishing diplomatic relations with Argentina

Saturday, 27 February 2010 08:42


BUENOS-AIRES, February 26 - Abkhazia is interested in establishing diplomatic relations with Argentina, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Maxim Gvindzhia who heads the Abkhaz delegation visiting Latin America told ITAR-TASS.

"There are no diplomatic relations between Argentina and Abkhazia for the time being, but we hope to establish them”, he said. "Meanwhile we plan to open three embassies in Latin America: in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Argentina".

According to him, the purpose of the Abkhaz delegation’s visit to Latin America is to broaden political and economic relations with the region’s countries. "We intend to develop trade ...

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