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Abkhazia Wants Greater UN Role In Georgian-Abkhazian Settlement

posted by FerrasB on August, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/29/2005 2:24 AM
Abkhazia wants greater UN role in Georgian-Abkhazian settlement
27.07.2005 - 00:57:45

Abkhazia has urged the UN Security Council to increase its role in the search for a settlement in the conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia, a letter by the Republic´s Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba says...

The letter has been sent to the UN Security Council President Adamantos Vassilakis.

Abkhazia also urged the UN Security Council ´´to promote more actively and productively the Georgian-Abkhazian peace process under the aegis of the UN.´´

Shamba said that the sanctions regime, affecting thousands of civilians in Abkhazia, is being worsened even further by regular seizures of the few merchant ships carrying peaceful cargo to Abkhazia.

The sanctions regime ´´is absolutely unacceptable´´ in the context of the search for a settlement and efforts to build up trust and ...
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posted by FerrasB on July, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/29/2005 2:15 AM
26.07.2005 - 00:55:37

Meeting in Sukhum on 23 July with French Ambassador to Tiflis, Philippe Lefort, Republic of Abkhazia President Sergei Bagapsh warned that he has ordered Abkhaz warships, of which the republic has several, according to ´´Nezavisimaya gazeta´´ on 25 July, to open fire on Georgian vessels that enter what he termed Abkhaz territorial waters...

Georgian Minister for Conflict Resolution Giorgi Khaindrava dismissed that threat the same day as ´´unwise and incautious,´´ as well as impossible to make good on.

(Agency Caucasus)

080705- Republic of Abkhazia

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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/28/2005 9:01 AM

The reopening of railway links with Georgia could bolster peace efforts.

By Inal Khashig in Sukhum and Giorgy Kupatadze in Tbilisi

Georgia and the breakaway region of Abkhazia have agreed to conduct a joint study on the feasibility of reopening the railway that links them both to Russia – putting within reach a potential major breakthrough in the unresolved conflict.

Following preliminary talks, it was agreed that on August 9 a research group which will contain Georgian, Abkhaz and Russian specialists will visit the Zugdidi region of western Georgia and the Gali and Ochamchira regions of Abkhazia to study the state of the railway line there.

The Georgians have been keen to stress that things are still at an early stage. “The leadership of ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/29/2005 2:08 AM
24.07.2005 - 00:27:21

Abkhaz and Russian representatives declined at the last minute to attend talks in Tiflis under the UN aegis, scheduled to take place on 22-23 July 2005 and to address security measures to be implemented in the Abkhaz conflict zone.

Abkhaz Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba told the independent Georgian television station Rustavi-2 that Sukhum´s decision not to attend the talks was made in response to Georgia´s failure to hand over cargo confiscated from a Turkish vessel intercepted by the Georgian Navy last month.

Georgian Minister for Conflict Resolution Giorgi Khaindrava rejected that argument as illogical, and accused Russia and Abkhazia of boycotting the UN-sponsored search for a settlement of the conflict.

(Agency Caucasus)

080705- Republic of Abkhazia

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Moscow Tiflis Sokhum Agree Timeframe For Railway Assessment

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/22/2005 1:24 AM
Moscow Tiflis Sokhum agree timeframe for Railway Assessment

20.07.2005 - 00:51:11

The Abkhaz, Georgian and Russian sides agreed during talks in the Abkhaz capital Sokhum on July 19, 2005 to set up a 41 member joint group to assess the current condition of the Abkhaz portion of the railway system...

The Abkhaz, Georgian and Russian sides agreed during talks in the Abkhaz capital Sokhum on July 19, 2005 to set up a 41 member joint group to assess the current condition of the Abkhaz portion of the railway system, the Abkhaz news agency Apsnipress reported.

Mikhail Akulov, an official from the Russian state owned Railway Company, said that the joint group will launch assessment works beginning on August 9 which will last for 45 days.

The group will submit a report over ...
>> full artcle...

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