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Speaker/Abkhazian parliament: We’re Not Enemies Of The Georgians

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/26/2005 2:53 PM
Speaker of Abkhazian parliament: «We’re not enemies of the Georgian people... "


“We are not enemies of the Georgian people and are ready to build relations with Georgia at the interstate level ", - the speaker of the parliament Nugzar Ashuba told on June, 7th at the meeting with the ambassador of Finland in Southern Caucasus Katrina Terhy Hakala. At the meeting some questions, concerned Georgian-Abkhazian relations’ settlement, maintenance of safety guarantees, refugee problem were raised.

The ambassador of Finland, in particular, was interested in "why Abkhazia so needs independence".

The speaker of the parliament told about history of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. Terhy Hakala noted in her conversation with Ashuba that Finland in 2006 will preside in the European Union. As it is known, the EU supports many ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 6:38 PM
23.06.2005 - 00:00:22

Diplomats estimate that some 9 kilograms of plutonium and 1 1/2 kilograms of weapons grade uranium might have disappeared from a nuclear research facility in the Republic of Abkhazia.

Premier Aleksandr Ankvab stated that the Abkhaz leadership welcomes the upcoming visit by inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as ´´we have nothing to hide.´´

Ankvab said he hopes the visit will dispel rumors that nuclear materials have gone missing from a research institute in Sukhum.

The director of the Sukhum Physics and Technology Institute, Anatolii Markolia, similarly stated that the institute has no fissile materials suitable for manufacturing nuclear weapons, although it does have ´´quite a large quantity´´ of radioactive materials that, Markolia said, are ´´under armed protection.´´

He added ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 6:41 PM
23.06.2005 - 00:39:01

President Sergei Bagapsh rejected proposals that other countries should send contingents to augment the Russian force...

President Sergei Bagapsh told a group of visiting Russian journalists in Sukhum on 22 June that the Russian peacekeeping force deployed since 1994 under the CIS aegis in the Abkhaz conflict zone should remain there until the conflict is finally resolved.

At the same time, Bagapsh rejected proposals that other countries should send contingents to augment the Russian force.

Ukraine has repeatedly offered to provide peacekeepers to serve in a UN peacekeeping force in Abkhazia.
(Agency Caucasus)

230605 Sergei Bagapsh

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adygeanatpress: Abkhazia Ready To Quarter Russian Military Bases

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/23/2005 10:06 PM
Abkhazia ready to quarter Russian military bases


Abkhazia is ready to place on its territory Russian military bases. That was stated on Monday, May, 16th Abkhazia president Sergey Bagapsh. “We are ready to quarter on our territory Russian military bases if Russia expresses such will”- said S.Bagapsh.

We remind: today he is in Moscow for solving economic problems.

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adygeanatpress: " United Abkhazia " Will Ask Parliament To Address The U.N.

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 5:22 PM
Public political movement " United Abkhazia " will ask republican parliament to address the United Nations


Chairman of the public political movement “United Abkhazia” Arthur Mikvabija brought to necessity of consolidation of Abkhazian nation for facing a national threat to focus of participants of the next congress of the movement.

He suggested the parties entering the block of the movement to be united under aegis of one party. "Certainly, we are not going to force the event. It is necessary for us to lead consultations ", - was noted. This party, as he said, on the international scene will continue its struggle for Abkhazia’s recognition, and within internal affairs to promote the state bodies in creation of strong and effective state, capable to guarantee protection of life, ...
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