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posted by FerrasB on May, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/25/2006 11:38 AM

The fact that Tbilisi and Sukhum come up with new peace initiatives is seen as a positive step, even if they continue to disagree on most issues.

By Anton Krivenyuk in Sukhum and Sofo Bukia in Tbilisi

New life was breathed into the Abkhazian peace process this week when Georgian presidential adviser Irakli Alasania personally handed a peace plan to the Abkhaz authorities.

The plan presented by Alasania, together with an Abkhaz plan which President Sergei Bagapsh handed over in Tbilisi on May 15, represent the most detailed documents to be presented since the conflict ended 12 years ago with Abkhazia claiming independence from Georgia – a claim still unrecognised by the outside world.

Calling his plan a “key to the future”, Bagapsh told journalists that “goodwill ...
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MosNews: Georgia’s Saakashvili Ready For Dialogue With Breakaway Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/8/2006 5:23 AM

Photo by Shakhov Andrey,
Photo by Shakhov Andrey,
Georgia’s Saakashvili Ready for Dialogue With Breakaway Abkhazia



Georgia’s President Mikhail Saakashvili has said he is ready to start diplomatic settlement of long-term conflict with the breakaway republic of Abkhazia that has been long striving for independence, reported.

“We want to settle the conflict in peaceful way,” Saakashvili said. However, he stressed that Tbilisi will not beg Abkhazia’s pardon, although it is set to return property to the refugees, provide normal living conditions for people in conflict zone and defend their human rights.

According to recent rumors, Tbilisi was going to send troops to the province to fight its independence ambitions that makes the President’s new statement surprising.

Abkhazia is formally an autonomous republic within Georgia, independent de facto, although not recognized ...
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MosNews: Six Russian Soldiers Killed in Abkhazia Road Accident

posted by FerrasB on April, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/21/2006 10:32 AM
Six Russian Soldiers Killed in Abkhazia Road Accident

Created: 20.05.2006 18:04 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:35 MSK, 7 hours 53 minutes ago


Six Russian soldiers were killed on Saturday when their armored troop carrier overturned in Georgia’s breakaway region Abkhazia, the Reuters news agency reported citing local news agencies said.

“Several possible reasons behind the accident are being pursued, among them a sudden mechanical fault and the appearance of an unexpected obstacle on the road,” Colonel Igor Konashenkov told Interfax.

Abkhazia won effective independence from Georgia in a 1992-3 war. Russian peacekeepers have been monitoring the fragile peace since the end of military conflict.

Tbilisi says Russia armed the Abkhaz rebels and it has accused Moscow of meddling in the conflict ever since. Russia props up Abkhazia’s devastated economy by paying pensions, ...
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MosNews: NATO To Discuss Peacekeeper Presence In Georgia’s Breakaway Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/21/2006 10:40 AM
NATO to Discuss Peacekeeper Presence in Georgia’s Breakaway Abkhazia

Created: 18.05.2006 13:31 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:34 MSK


On May 25, Chairman of the Federation Council Defense and Security Committee, Viktor Ozerov, will lead the Russian delegation to a session of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly, which is to discuss the peacekeepers’ presence in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone, the ITAR-TASS news agency reports.

The protracted conflict between Georgia and its breakaway province erupted in 1991 after Abkhazia declared independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia cultivates close ties with the breakaway region, has granted citizenship to many residents and maintains peacekeepers in the area.

The delegates from the upper house of Russian parliament arrived in Abkhazia on Wednesday to “look into the activities of Russian peacekeepers in the conflict zone on ...
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Adygeanatpress: New Organization Of Abkhazian War’s Participants Created

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/15/2006 10:34 AM
New organization of Abkhazian war’s participants created  in Adygeya

In Adygeya “the Council of veterans of the Abkhazian war” is created. The Council will be the main body of the social movement of Adygeya "the Union of veterans of Abkhazia" which constituent assembly passed on April 13th in Maykop. At the assembly they elected the chairman of the movement "the Union of veterans of Abkhazia" Hazrail Hanahok, as his assistant Ruslan Guagov became the chairman of "the Council of veterans of the Abkhazian war".

According to Hanahok, necessity of creation of the veteran organization was dictated by that the participants of the war in Abkhazia - inhabitants of the republic during the last 13 years had no legal status despite of the fact that in the republic there ...
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