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Adygeanatpress: Lost In Abkhazia Peacemaker’s Funeral In Maykop (Adygeya

posted by FerrasB on August, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/6/2006 12:36 AM
Lost in Abkhazia peacemaker’s funeral in Maykop (Adygeya)

On August 4th, an officer of the Maykop motor-shooting brigade, the victim Maxim Basenko's funeral took place in Maykop on the town cemetery. He’d died in Abkhazia on a site of the highway Gagra-Gudauta two days earlier. The republican TV informed that. To say goodbye to the officer his relatives, friends, and colleagues came.

As IА REGNUM informed, on August 2nd on the entrance to Gudauta town an attempt of armed robbery of the bus of the CIS Peacemaking Collective forces in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone was committed. The bus transported a large sum of money (salaries) from Sochi to Sukhumi staff of the peace-making forces. The bus and the accompanying car were overtaken by a car, and people in ...
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Civil Georgia: Abkhaz Sources Report Of Casualties In Kodori Shootings

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/5/2006 12:54 AM

Abkhaz Sources Report of Casualties in Kodori Shootings

Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 2006-08-04 16:06:37

According to the Defense Ministry of breakaway Abkhazia, at least 10 people died during clashes between Georgian government troops and rebel militia fighters in upper Kodori Gorge in the past two days, Interfax news agency reported.

“The recent shootout took place near the village of Azhara at about 6 pm [local time] on Thursday,” Sergey Pustovalov, the breakaway region’s Defense Ministry spokesman, said.

Meanwhile, Georgian media sources reported that Georgian law enforcement agents have found an abandoned militia camp in a forested area of upper Kodori Gorge, but no clashes were reported.

The Abkhaz news agency Apsnipress reported on August 4, quoting chief of staff of the Abkhaz armed force Anatoly Zaitsev, that the situation in lower Kodori ...
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Adygeanatpress: Information War Between Georgia And Abkhazia Proceeds

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/5/2006 2:18 AM
Information war between Georgia and Abkhazia proceeds

As "Agency of National news" reported, as a result of a special action led by the Georgian armed formations, in Kodori Gorge almost 58 locals were lost. Michael Logua, the head of Gulribi administration area of Abkhazia (adjoining on a place of carrying out of special action), informed it on Friday.

As he said, the Georgian military men killed and forced inhabitants of villages Chhalta, Ajara, Omarisha, Stkaken and Ghentzvishi, burn their houses. The representative of Abkhazia informed that at present there are about 58 victims of the Georgians’ violence the Georgian among the peace population.

The Georgian party immediately reacted to those statements. In the message of the agency "Georgia-online" it was spoken that charges to the address of Georgia ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/4/2006 12:39 AM
SHOW OF FORCE? Georgian officials have sought to present last
week's incursion into the Kodori Gorge as a major territorial
gain. But such claims gloss over the Georgian failure to apprehend
former Kodori Governor Emzar Kvitsiani, whose defiance of the
Georgian authorities served as the catalyst for what Tbilisi claims
was simply a police operation.
Speaking on national television on July 28, Georgian
President Mikheil Saakashvili said that Georgia now "directly
controls a very important strategic part of the territory of
Abkhazia," and will "establish Georgian jurisdiction and
constitutional order in the heart" of that breakaway region. Georgian
Defense Minister Irakli Okruashvili said the same day that
"practically the whole of the gorge is under the control of the
Such claims are, however, an exaggeration, insofar as Georgia
has merely extended its control over ...
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U.S. Official Says Kodori Operation Could Contribute to Stability

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/4/2006 12:39 AM

Last week, Georgia launched an offensive in the Kodori Gorge, an area
that straddles the breakaway Republic of Abkhazia and the rest of
Georgia. Georgian leaders have hailed the operation as a success;
former Kodori Governor Emzar Kvitsiani, whose defiance of the
Georgian authorities served as the catalyst for the incursion, has
rubbished such claims.
RFE/RL's Georgian Service spoke to Matthew Bryza, a U.S.
deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian
affairs. Bryza is also the U.S. co-chair of the OSCE's Minsk
Group, set up to monitor peace negotiations over the disputed
Nagorno- Karabakh region. Bryza told RFE/RL that Georgia's recent
incursion could actually be a force for stability.

RFE/RL: Some people are saying that the police operation in
the Kodori Gorge has tested the situation between Tbilisi and
Sukhumi, irritated ...
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