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Northern Caucasus Newspaper: "Special measures" ready against Abkhazia

posted by circassiankama on December, 2009 as Abkhazia

"Special measures" ready against Abkhazia

Abkhazia gets ready for the next presidential elections scheduled for December 12. They will be different from all previous Abkhaz elections because are the first after last year's launch of the international recognition of independence of the republic.
The situation, in which Abkhazia came close to its next test of political maturity, can hardly be called stable. I remember at the end of this spring some forces heavily padded anti-Russian attitudes in the social environment of Abkhazia. At the same time the political situation is unlikely to be recognized as "tense", as is rumored in some opposition circles of both Abkhazia, and Georgia.
Those who managed to get into Abkhazia between the last year's August events in South ...

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NatPress: Presidential Elections Are A Great Responsibility Of The Abkhaz Society

posted by eagle on as Abkhazia

Presidential elections are a great responsibility of the Abkhaz society  

A member of the Central Election Commission of Abkhazia Dmitry Shamba reminded that the present elections are already the fourth ones after Abkhazia has reestablished its independence in 1993. “These elections attract a lot of attention both from the part of our partners, and from the part of our opponents”, he said. Dmitry Shamba also mentioned that the Central Election Commission of Abkhazia highlights that these elections have been recognized by the world community as legitimate. He also added that the elections will be attended by observers from the European Parliament, the “Open Europe” Foundation was well as observers from the CIS countries’ Parliaments: Kirghizia, Tajikistan, the Baltic states, etc.

Under the legislation of the Republic of Abkhazia one of the candidates must receive 50 % plus one vote to win in the first round. ...

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A Brief History Of (Abkhazian) Time

posted by circassiankama on November, 2009 as Abkhazia

A Brief History of (Abkhazian) 

Time Posted by Bruce Talley on 25/11/09


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AW: My bet is that among

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

My bet is that among the next five countries to recognise Abkhazia will be United States of America. – An Interview with Maxim Gunjia

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posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia


10/11/2009 18:10       ABKHAZIA, SUKHUM

A delegation of Abkhazia will take part in the next round of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia. The discussions will be held on November 11.  

The delegation includes: the President’s aide on international issues Vyacheslav Chirikba, the Deputy Defense Minister Harry Kupalba, the chief of the International Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Lana Agrba and a member of the executive committee of the International Association of Abkhaz-Abazin (Abaza) people Zeki Kapba. The chief of the MFA Information Department Irakly Tuzhba told Apsnypress.

Lana Agrba and Harry Kupalba will work in the group on humanitarian issues, Vyacheslav Chirikba and Zeki Kapba in the group on ...

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