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AW: Interview with Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh

posted by circassiankama on February, 2010 as Abkhazia

Russia Today, Feb. 23

Should Georgia challenge Abkhazia’s independence, the republic knows how to react, Abkhazian president Sergey Bagapsh told RT. He also spoke about a Russian military base and the republic’s international aspirations.

RT: Recently the small Caucasus republic of Abkhazia held presidential elections. The winner and current president Sergey Bagapsh won with two thirds of all votes, and he is here with us today. What's changed during the past couple of years since Russia recognized Abkhazia's independence?

Sergey Bagapsh: I often repeat this and answer these questions – what's the most important thing, what has changed. Our people have peace now, they are not afraid of the future. The people understand that the wellbeing of our country is in their own hands. We signed agreements ...

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posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia


But some worry that offshore wells may harm tourism.

By Anaid Gogoryan in Sukhumi

Abkhazian officials hope exploration by Russian petroleum firm Rosneft will help diversify the local economy, but there are fears oil discoveries might harm the environment and the tourism the territory relies on.

The government of Abkhazia, which broke free of Georgian control in a 1992-3 war and is recognised as independent by Russia, signed an agreement with Rosneft in December last year.

Under the deal, Rosneft, which is controlled by the Russian state, will spend five years exploring the waters off Abkhazia’s Black Sea coast.

Rosneft plans to drill two wells to assess the potential of the coastal waters off the town of Gudauta. The company’s preliminary assessments include only a 14 per cent chance of ...
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RFE/RL: Abkhaz Leader Says Russians Will Be Able To Buy Property

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Abkhaz Leader Says Russians Will Be Able To Buy Property

Abkhazia's leader Sergei Bagapsh speaks in Moscow.

February 19, 2010
MOSCOW -- The leader of Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh, said in Moscow that Russian citizens would soon be eligible to buy property in Abkhazia, RFE/RL's Echo of the Caucasus reports.

Bagapsh, who was reelected in December to a second term as president of the breakaway region in Georgia, said Abkhaz officials are discussing a new law that would allow Russian citizens to buy only newly built houses.

He said it is not possible to buy actual plots of land in Abkhazia, even for Abkhaz citizens, and that there should not be any fear that Russians would buy up the republic.

But the Russian daily "Kommersant" quoted Abkhaz Economy ...

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RIA: Day of non-identical twins: Kosovo, Abkhazia...

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Day of non-identical twins: Kosovo, Abkhazia... by Andrei Fedyashin
Thursday, 18 February 2010 22:48


By an odd coincidence, February 17 has linked two unrecognized (or semi-recognized) non-identical twins - Kosovo and Abkhazia. Two years ago, on February 17 Albanians unilaterally proclaimed the independence of the territory that Serbia considers its own and calls "Kosovo and Metohija." On February 17, 1810, that is, 200 years ago, the Abkhazian principality joined the Russian Empire of its own free will.

Its incorporation into Russia has several interpretations among the highly volatile Russian scholars. Some historians maintain that it was the ruling dynasty that joined Russia, after which almost half of Abkhazians left the country. However, voluntary accession ...

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Russia Profile: Dependence Day

posted by circassiankama on as Abkhazia

Dependence Day, by Tom Balmforth
Friday, 19 February 2010 12:47


February 18, Russia Profile

Bagapsh Might Not Really Be a Moscow Puppet, but His Current Isolation Gives Him Little Choice

On a trip to Moscow on Wednesday Sergey Bagapsh, the president of the rebel region Abkhazia, inked a raft of deals with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev, including one that will establish a joint military ground force in the breakaway Georgian republic. Georgia winced and NATO wagged its finger. The ten bilateral deals, apparently signed to improve Abkhazia’s security, include plans to upgrade an existing Russian base. Bagapsh also said the breakaway republic hopes to join the Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia Customs Union.

Days ...

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