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Window On Eurasia: ‘Freedom In An Unfree Country’ – Ekho Moskvy At 20

posted by eagle on August, 2010 as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: ‘Freedom in an Unfree Country’ – Ekho Moskvy at 20

Paul Goble

Staunton, August 23 –Ekho Moskvy, an island of "freedom in an unfree country,” is now able to celebrate its 20th anniversary, its chief editor says, because it makes Russia look good to Moscow’s Western partners, because its radio audience is too small to affect elections, and because it serves as an alternative source of reliable information for the powers that be.
In an interview published in the current issue of "New Times,” Aleksey Venediktov says that these three reasons are fundamental, but he suggests that the profitability of the station for its owner, Gazprom, and his own skills as an editor committed to reporting facts rather than have warded off numerous threats to the station (
Asked directly how he explains why the Kremlin puts up with the independence of Ekho Moskvy, Venediktov says that first ...

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Window On Eurasia: Attacks On Journalists, Militia Violence Against Population Mapped Across Russia

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Attacks on Journalists, Militia Violence Against Population Mapped Across Russia

Paul Goble

Staunton, August 24 – Attacks on journalists in Russia and militia violence against Russian citizens inevitably attract more attention when they take place in Moscow or another central Russian city, but these disturbing phenomena are increasingly spreading across the entire country, as two new reports make clear.
At the request of "New Times,” analysts at the Glasnost Defense Foundation, who have been monitoring attacks on journalists in Russia for ten years provided the Moscow weekly with "a detailed analysis of attacks” over the last five years, one that shows where the attacks have been and what have been the outcomes (
During that period, there have been attacks on journalists in 78 of the 83 federal subjects. Only Smolensk, Tambov and Magadan oblasts and the Nenets and Chukotka autonomous districts have had none, the foundation reports. ...

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