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Freedom and Fear

RFE/RL: Ten Years Ago, Russia's Independent NTV, The Talk Of The Nation, Fell Silent

posted by eagle on April, 2011 as Freedom and Fear

Ten Years Ago, Russia's Independent NTV, The Talk Of The Nation, Fell Silent

NTV had been flying high, airing must-see news and political satire programs.
by  RFE/RL

April 14, 2011

n the middle of the night on April 14, 2001, a long-running and high-stakes Russian drama came to an end.

After months of legal wrangling and political maneuvering, the popular and independent NTV television channel was swallowed up by the media holding company of the state-controlled Gazprom natural-gas giant.

Svetlana Sorokina is a leading television journalist who was one of the faces of the original NTV team.

"I was on the air on the old NTV for the last time that Friday evening. It was the program 'Voice of the People,'" she recalls. "And I should say that during those last days, a sort of quiet had evolved. For a long time everything had been stormy, everything was happening. Then, suddenly, that calm that, I suppose, comes ...

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KC: Russian Propaganda Lies About Persecution In Finland For Criticism Of Kavkaz Center

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Russian propaganda lies about persecution in Finland for criticism of Kavkaz Center

Publication time: Today at 01:06 Emirate time 

According to a large number of Russian media outlets, a criminal case against a notorious KGB "pastor" Juha Molari in Finland has been allegedly opened because he criticized the Kavkaz Center and the Emir of Caucasian Mujahideen Dokku Abu Usman in his church and on his blog.

Russian propaganda is deliberately misinforming the public about the real background of the proceedings against the Putin's pope Molari, trying to involve the Kavkaz Center in this issue.

For example, a Moscow's "independent" REN TV channel recently reported:
"Events in the North Caucasus have unexpectedly found a reflection in Finland. A Finnish pastor Juha Molari came under criminal prosecution for his "non-tolerant" utterances about Dokku Umarov and the operation of the website Kavkaz Center. First, he was threatened and then fired and summoned for questioning, and then a criminal case was opened against him".


The ...

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The Other Russia: Posner Fails To Invite Oppositionists On TV

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Posner Fails to Invite Oppositionists on TV

Russian television host Vladimir Posner has failed to live up to his promise to invite opposition politicians onto his popular talk show before the end of March, reports.

In an interview on February 24, Posner spoke to about his plans to invite oppositionists who are effectively banned from appearing on state-controlled television onto his show. The first, he said, would be Solidarity co-leader Boris Nemtsov, whom he planned to invite sometime in March.

"I plan to invite Boris Nemtsov. I’m definitely going to refer to the conversation with Putin that took place in the presence of [Channel One General Director] Konstantin Ernst and another 25 people from the channel,” Posner said at the time.

But on April 1, which happened to be Posner’s 77th birthday in addition to the end of March, Nemtsov wrote in abirthday greeting to the host that neither he nor ...

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The Other Russia: FSB Seeks Ban On Gmail, Skype As ‘Security Threats’

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

FSB Seeks Ban on Gmail, Skype as ‘Security Threats’

Russia’s Federal Security Service believes that foreign telecommunications services such as Gmail, Hotmail and Skype present a threat to Russian national security and should be banned, reports.

On April 6, Chief Aleksandr Andreechkin of the FSB Center for the Defense of Information and Government Communications told a session of the Government Commission on Federal Communications and Issues of Information Technology that the use of foreign means of encryption to provide telecommunication services in Russia has raised the concerns of the FSB and other security services. In particular, he noted the problem of how servers for the encryption of some of these services are located abroad. This includes, for example, Gmail, Hotmail, and the online telephone service Skype.

The FSB is concerned that the fact that these servers are located abroad makes it more difficult to carry out operational search ...

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The Other Russia: Police Officer Fired After Assaulting Channel One Journalist

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Police Officer Fired After Assaulting Channel One Journalist

An acting police chief who assaulted a female journalist in the Moscow suburb of Moskovsky has been fired following media reports about the incident, RIA Novosti reports.

On Monday, Police Colonel General Nikolai Golovkin said an investigation of the incident concluded that the conflict arose after journalist Natalya Seybil made a remark about how Major Aleksei Klimov had parked his car, "and we also established his inappropriate behavior in the form of an assault of Natalya Seybil.”

"Following the assertion all circumstances by the administration of the Moscow Regional Main Department of Internal Affairs, a decision was made to fire the officer in question from internal affairs,” Golovkin explained. "The question is being decided on whether to file criminal charges and transfer materials to the Investigative Committee of the Moscow Regional Main Investigative Department of the Russian Federation to make a ...

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