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Window On Eurasia: Russian Internet Journalist Charged With Slander For Going Beyond Official Reports

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Russian Internet Journalist Charged with Slander for Going beyond Official Reports

Paul Goble

Vienna, August 20 – Mikhail Afanasyev,editor of the Internet Journal “Novy focus,” has been charged with slander for distributing “intentionally false reports” about the Sayano-Shushen Dam disaster when prosecutors in the Khakass Republic say he was in full possession of “reliable and official information.”
The filing of these charges less than 24 hours after Afanasyev suggested on his site that officials were shifting their efforts too quickly from the search for survivors to the recovery of bodies demonstrate that Russian officials can move quickly when they want to control reporting about any event.
But they also call attention to a disturbing phenomenon, the increasing propensity of Russian law enforcement to draw on the legal norms of the Soviet past when the criminal code included provisions for bringing charges against anyone making “intentionally false slanderous declarations, ...

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Window On Eurasia: Russia Needs Honest Discussion Of Molotov-Ribbentrop Lest It Repeat Mistakes behind It, Moscow Analyst Says

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Russia Needs Honest Discussion of Molotov-Ribbentrop Lest It Repeat Mistakes behind It, Moscow Analyst Says

Paul Goble

Vienna, August 20 – Unlike France or Britain where few people today are prepared to defend their countries’ 1938 Munich Accord with Hitler, most Russians, encouraged by their government, defend 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a reflection of their continuing tendency to view the world in “us-them” terms in which Russians are always right and others always wrong.
And that approach, Moscow commentator Aleksey Makarkin argues in “Yezhednevny zhurnal” not only locks Russians into an older geopolitical paradigm that they should have overcome but increases the danger that acting within its terms, they will make analogous calculations and agreements in the future (
“The desire to defend at any price the position of one’s own country is perfectly understandable psychologically if one lives within a ‘we-they’ paradigm where ‘we’ are always right,” he ...

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Window On Eurasia: Russian Internet Journalist Charged With Slander For Going Beyond Official Reports

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Russian Internet Journalist Charged with Slander for Going beyond Official Reports

Paul Goble

Vienna, August 20 – Mikhail Afanasyev,editor of the Internet Journal “Novy focus,” has been charged with slander for distributing “intentionally false reports” about the Sayano-Shushen Dam disaster when prosecutors in the Khakass Republic say he was in full possession of “reliable and official information.”
The filing of these charges less than 24 hours after Afanasyev suggested on his site that officials were shifting their efforts too quickly from the search for survivors to the recovery of bodies demonstrate that Russian officials can move quickly when they want to control reporting about any event.
But they also call attention to a disturbing phenomenon, the increasing propensity of Russian law enforcement to draw on the legal norms of the Soviet past when the criminal code included provisions for bringing charges against anyone making “intentionally false slanderous declarations, ...

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