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posted by FerrasB on August, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Russia Marks 15 Years Since Soviet Coup Bid

Soviet Union – August putsch – Gennady Yanayev announces the coup to the press, Moscow, 19Aug1991
Soviet Vice President Gennady Yanayev announcing the coup on August 19, 1991
August 19, 2006 -- A protest by Communist supporters marked the start of commemorations today of the 15th anniversary of the failed coup attempt that lead to the break up of the Soviet Union.

About 100 Communist Party supporters, most of them elderly and many waving red flags, gathered on Red Square to denounce the Soviet Union's collapse and to voice their regret at the failure of the three-day coup bid that began on August 19, 1991.

The anniversary of the coup, whose failure led to independence for Russia and the 14 other Soviet republics, is a time of regret for many.

President Vladimir Putin has called the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union the "biggest geopolitical ...
>> full

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Interfax: Two Detained Over Moscow Market Blast Plead Not Guilty - FSB

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Aug 21 2006 6:35PM
Two detained over Moscow market blast plead not guilty - FSB

MOSCOW. Aug 21 (Interfax) - Two persons detained as part of the investigation into the Monday explosion at Moscow's Cherkizovsky market have denied their guilt, Viktor Zakharov, head of the Federal Security Service's (FSB) branch for Moscow and the Moscow region, told Interfax.

Investigators "are currently working with the detained persons, who have denied any guilt, claiming that they were at the site of the explosion by accident," he said.

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Kavkaz Center: Russian Priest Converted To Islam

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russian Priest Converted to Islam
Publication time: Today at 22:59 Djokhar time
This month, Vladislav Sokhin, a graduate of the Kursk Orthodox Seminary, the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy, and Kursk State University and a priest in that region since 2001, announced that he was leaving the Church because he had accepted Islam.

In articles placed in Russian on the website, Sokhin laid out the reasons that had led him to convert. On the one hand, he said he could no longer tolerate the paganistic, almost polytheistic worship of saints so widespread in popular Orthodoxy.

And on the other hand, he continued, he did not want to be constrained by the Moscow Patriarchate's slavish obedience to the policies of the Russian state. A religious leader should be free to express himself about all issues involving moral questions, something he said the Orthodox Church does not permit.



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