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JUNE 2009

FINROSFORUM: Moscow Named Journalist War Zone

posted by eagle on June, 2009 as Freedom and Fear

Moscow Named Journalist War Zone

Posted on the June 17th, 2009 under ChechnyaOpinionPressSociety by Mikael Storsjö

Note to  Russian war reporters returning to Moscow after dodging bullets in Chechnya: keep those flak jackets on!

According to the latest report by The International Union of Journalists,  “Moscow is the most dangerous place for journalists in Russia, even more than in relatively unsafe regions like Chechnya”.

And with 312 journalist deaths since 1991, Russia has become Europe’s most lethal reporting beat (by contrast, the UK had 1 death, and Italy and France none).

But contrary to the pervasive media narrative about the Putin regime’s targeting of journalists, the report notes improvements over the 1990s - the very years during which much of the West was fawning over ‘democrat’ Boris Yeltsin.

In its words, “the total impunity that existed for killers of journalists until 1997 has gradually receded and…an increasing number of investigations have led to prosecutions…The ten cases brought to ...

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Moscow Times: Russia Leads Europe In Reporter Killings

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

The Moscow Times 

Russia Leads Europe In Reporter Killings

16 June 2009By Alexandra Odynova / The Moscow TimesA new count shows that Russia leads Europe in the number of journalists killed in homicides and accidents since 1991 and that many of the deaths were politically motivated but largely ignored by law enforcement authorities. 

The International Union of Journalists presented on Monday a report that lists 312 homicides and accidents in Russia. On the list are four journalists who died this year, including Anastasia Baburova, a freelance reporter with Novaya Gazeta who was shot dead in central Moscow with human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov on Jan. 19. 

In contrast, two journalists have been killed in Germany since 1991, while one journalist has been killed in Britain and no journalists have been killed in France or Italy, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. 

No suspects have been identified in Baburova's death or in many of the ...

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The Other Russia: Chronicling Repression: How Russian Police Blacklist The Opposition

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Chronicling Repression: How Russian Police Blacklist the Opposition

It comes as no surprise that political and civic activists in Russia experience harassment from police.  Members of the opposition have long complained that they have been followed, detained as they travel by train, or even threatened by the militsiya.  Yet the scope and systematic nature of such activities is just beginning to come to light.

As it turns out, the Russian police are creating databases used to the track the movements of law-abiding citizens.  The project is overseen by a new department for countering extremism within the Russian police, but often targeted at individuals for no reason other than their political views or activism.

Journalist Irina Borogan documents these “black lists” in the third in a series of articles documenting the government campaign to battle extremism and strengthen control over the public.  The series is a joint project between the Yezhednevny Zhurnal ...

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The Other Russia: Russian Opposition Leader’s Car Bombed

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Russian Opposition Leader’s Car Bombed

A car belonging to Russian opposition leader Eduard Limonov exploded in flames Saturday morning in Moscow, the politician reported on his blog.  Limonov, a leader of the Other Russia coalition and the banned National Bolshevik Party, was preparing for a protest set to take place the next day.

The explosion took place outside Limonov’s residence, as a driver turned the key in the ignition.  Limonov, who was inside his apartment at the time, said his driver managed to escape with only slight burns on his face.

Limonov told the online newspaper that he received a threatening phone call ten minutes after the explosion.

“When I picked up the phone,” Limonov said, “an unknown person asked me: ‘Well how are you, Eddie?  Still aren’t afraid of engaging in opposition activities?’”

Police are investigating the crime, but have downplayed a connection to Limonov.  A spokesman said the car was ...

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