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JUNE 2005

PRIMA – News: Pavel Lyuzakov Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison Colony

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

17.5.2005 13:26 MSK
Pavel Lyuzakov sentenced to 2 years in prison colony
RUSSIA, Moscow. On May 16th, the Ostankino District Court in Moscow ended the nearly one-and-a-half month trial of Pavel Lyuzakov, Editor- in- Chief of the newspaper "Free Word", who was accused of the illegal acquisition and transportation of firearms. He was sentenced to 2 years in a prison colony. Pavel Lyuzakov asserts his innocence.

Approximately half a year ago, Lyuzakov asked an acquaintance to purchase a self-defense gas pistol and license for him. On January 20th, this person gave him what he was told was a gas pistol. 2-3 minutes after they parted, Lyuzakov was delayed by the police. Upon examination, the package he was given contained not a gas pistol, but a firearm – a TT pistol with a cartridge clip.

Lyuzakov believes himself to be a victim of entrapment organized by the FSB in order to suppress his journalistic activities ...
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Moscow Time: Reporter Complains Of FSB Harassment

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Wednesday, May 25, 2005.

Reporter Complains of FSB Harassment
By Oksana Yablokova
Staff Writer

For MT

Radio Liberty correspondent Yuri Bagrov

Radio Liberty correspondent Yuri Bagrov said Tuesday that a Federal Security Service agent prevented him from covering an opposition rally in North Ossetia last week and then followed him to his office and threatened him.

The incident is the latest in a series of actions by the Federal Security Service, or FSB, and by police that have prevented Bagrov from reporting. Bagrov and media rights groups have linked his troubles to critical reports he has written about Chechnya.

Bagrov said he tried to interview a North Ossetian opposition leader, Alikhan Khugayev, at a rally on Friday of about 700 people protesting regional government corruption in Vladikavkaz. But the FSB agent ordered him to stop, saying he was breaking the law because he did not have proper press accreditation, Bagrov said.

Bagrov, a former Associated Press ...
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Alexander Litvinenko/Chechenpress: The Indecent Society

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

June, 03, 2005

The Indecent Society

"Prisoners are those, who remain slaves of the System, who are compelled to be humiliated, to lie, to behave meanly for preservation of their incomes and doubtful position in this indecent society" (Michael Hodorkovskiy).

On the 31 st of May, the last day of spring, Putin and his friends-security officers committed one more especially mean crime: according to their instructions three absolutely innocent, and consequently very decent person - Michael Hodorkovskiy, Platon Lebedev and Andrey Krainov were illegally condemned. Why do I write decent? because in Putin's Russia only those, who struggle against the security officers' scum with all possible means and consequently are compelled to be either in immigration, or in prison, or in mountains, among the fighters of the Chechen Resistance, can be named decent. Only there and nowhere else it is more possible to meet a decent person, who worries for the Native land ...
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The Australian Times: Putin Tightens Grip On The Press

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Putin tightens grip on the press
Jeremy Page, Moscow
June 04, 2005

RUSSIA'S state-controlled gas giant Gazprom is to buy the respected daily newspaper Izvestia, in what is seen as a move by the Kremlin to extend its media controls.

The gas monopoly's media arm, Gazprom-Media, said it was in talks with Russian metals tycoon Vladimir Potanin on purchasing his 50per cent stake in Izvestia.

Human rights groups and liberal politicians decried the move, which would give the Kremlin control over a relatively independent national newspaper with a circulation of more than 200,000.

Since Vladimir Putin became President in 2000, the Kremlin has steadily re-introduced central control over the national media, often through Gazprom.

Until now, it has largely ignored the print media, whose readership is small and mostly urban, to focus on television -- by far the most powerful means of reaching 140million people across 11 time zones.

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Chechenpress: A. Zakaev: “In Russia All Muslems Are Chechens”

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

June, 08, 2005

A. Zakaev: “In Russia all Moslems are Chechens”

The application of the Minister of the Government of the ChRI, the Special Representative of the President of the ChRI, Ahmed Zakaev

London , the 7 th of June


In connection with the information about the amplification of reprisals in relation to Moslems in the territory of the Russian Federation , the Special Representative of the President of the ChRI Ahmed Zakaev has made the following application:

“The Government and the people of the Chechen Republic express solidarity to their brothers – Moslems of Russia, who are subjected to reprisals and discrimination from the regime of V.V. Putin. Scoffing at Moslems across Russia and genocide of the Chechen people are links of one chain, the chain of racism, and hatred to “non-Russians”, with which Putin tries to strengthen his criminal authority.

Today in Russia each Moslem is a Chechen, and it makes us, Chechens, responsible. ...
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