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JUNE 2005

PRIMA-News: "Civil Resistance" tTkes To The Streets

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

6.6.2005 13:05 MSK
"Civil resistance" takes to the streets
RUSSIA, Saint Petersburg. "From now on the scene of our action will be the street," says the address by Coalition of Democratic Opposition Forces, the Civil Resistance of St. Petersburg. "We don’t want violence. We don’t want to break the law. The authorities are acting with arbitrariness refusing us permission to hold protests. It is not us who are breaking the law but the authorities. They infringe our constitutional rights. And our actions will convince the society," the document states.

The address published by the Coalition on 2 June notes that "the authorities refuse permission to hold protests, pickets and marches citing far-fetched and often laughable excuses. Organisers are detained by militia without charge. There is a real hunt by militia against distributors of independent press. Courts bury complaints of opposition members against the authorities. All this is the evidence that the authorities don’t ...
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Itar-Tass: Hundreds Of Grenades Found In Two Caches In Russia's Jewish Reg

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Hundreds of grenades found in two caches in Russia's Jewish Reg

10.06.2005, 09.10

BIROBIDZHAN, June 10 (Itar-Tass) - Specialists of the Federal Security Service's department in the Jewish Autonomous Region found two caches containing 770 live grenades and about 900 fuses for them.

The hidden boxes of grenades were found on June 6 and 9 near the small railway settlement of Bira.

Eight years ago, ammunition depots of the Defence Ministry were on fire and exploded there, and tens of thousands of projectiles, grenades, mines and TNT cartridges scattered at the range of about five kilometres.

Local residents and criminal groups from the Amur and Primorsky territories have looked for and found ammunition in the area.

The security service has seized about a thousand grenades, five artillery shells, 40 kilogrammes of trinitrotoluene and more than a thousand of fuses this year alone, the security department's spokesman Vladimir Zhuravlyov said.

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Washington Post: Russians' Appeals To Court Bring Intimidation, Death

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russians' Appeals to Court Bring Intimidation, Death
Relatives of Missing and Dead Told Not to Go to Rights Body

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, July 3, 2005; A15


NAZRAN, Russia -- Russians who appeal to the European Court of Human Rights after their relatives disappear or are killed in Chechnya or neighboring Ingushetia face constant threats to force them to drop the cases. In at least five instances, applicants to the court were themselves killed or had disappeared, according to lawyers, human rights groups, court records and relatives.

In April, two men were taken from their homes by armed men after filing a case about the abduction of eight people in a Chechen village in 2004, according to Memorial, a Russian human rights group. The body of one of the petitioners was found in May. Members of his family are now living in fear and considering withdrawing the case, according to Memorial

.Adam Medov, ...
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Caucasian Knot: Protest Against Unlawful Actions Of Police

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Protest against unlawful actions of police

A picket against torture in police custody and inhuman treatment of convicts occurred in Krasnodar on 26 June. The Krasnodar territorial public organisation Mothers in Defence of Detainees and Convicts Rights was the organiser. About 100 signatures were collected against the use of illegal methods of investigation by law enforcement agents.

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Itar-Tass: Another Victim Killed In Accident In Gulf Of Finland Found

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Another victim killed in accident in Gulf of Finland found

20.06.2005, 15.25

ST.PETERSBURG, June 20 (Itar-Tass) -- The personnel of the Petrodvorets Museum have found a body of a man washed ashore from the Gulf of Finland. The man is presumably one of the group of cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy who perished on June 8 when their boat capsized in the sea. No official identification of the body has been made yet.

A six-oar rowing boat with eight men on board capsized in the mouth of the Neva River on June 8. Two men were rescued, one was found dead on the following day after the accident, three more bodies were found last weekend and identified. The fate of two men from board the ill- fated boat was unknown yet.

The accident occurred during a rowing drill for cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy held in the Gulf of Finland.

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