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MAY 2009

The Other Russia: Rights Organization Raided In Moscow

posted by eagle on May, 2009 as Freedom and Fear

Rights Organization Raided in Moscow

Police have forced their way into the offices of the Justice human rights group in Moscow and are conducting a search, the Interfax news agency reports, citing a lawyer for the organization.

“Around 20 people have broken into the office,” said Stalina Gurevich, the organization’s attorney.  “The officers have said that they’re from the Main Investigation’s Directorate.”

“6 people are now being illegally held in the office,” she continued.  “They are not releasing them from the building.”

Gurevich said the officers did not show any documents or a search warrant, describing the raid as unlawful.  “They say they came to search a different organization, which rents the building along with us.  At the same time, they assert that they came to the address of Baumanskaya street, house 6, while the address of our office is Baumanskaya street, house 6, building 2.”

“We have been leading a firm battle ...

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Window On Eurasia: Crimes Against Religious Leaders In Russia Likely To Trigger Witch Hunt

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Crimes against Religious Leaders in Russia Likely to Trigger Witch Hunt

Paul Goble

Vienna, May 27 – The murder of Daghestani Mufti Akhmed Tagayev on Monday has attracted attention to a dangerous trend in Russian society – a rise in the number of attacks on religious leaders and property – and sparked the kind of anger in some quarters that could lead to witch hunts against groups some religious and political leaders do not like.
Officials at the Muslim Spiritual Directorate (MSD) told “Rossiiskaya gazeta” that “they were inclined to connect” Tagayev’s murder with his “professional activity,” noting that he was “one of the main ideologues” who opposed Wahhabism, thus implicitly implicating the latter in his death (
And Vladimir Bogdanov and Timur Aliyev, two journalists for the Moscow newspaper, suggest in an article published today, that religious “extremists” and “sects” of various kinds are behind the killings ...

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Prague Watchdog: The choice of unfreedom

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

May 25th 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Sergei Gligashvili · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN 

The choice of unfreedom

By Sergei Gligashvili, special to Prague Watchdog

A well-known Russian anthropologist recently confessed to me in dismay that he was unable  to say anything sensible about the current state of affairs in Chechnya. Indeed, reality is slipping away from the usual interpretations, though many people who keep a close eye on  developments in Chechnya still stick, through inertia, to the standard schemes and conceptions. Nevertheless, even the most adamant liberal supporters of Chechen independence do not venture to claim that today's Chechen insurgency is the same symbol of liberation and anti-colonial struggle that adorned the democratic banners of the mid-1990's.

We must at last acknowledge, honestly and impartially, that what has happened in history before has happened now – a national revolution has turned into dark political reaction. Chechen reality today embraces two totalitarian projects, each of which in its ...

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The Other Russia: Desperate Residents Seize Town Hall In Russian Town

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Desperate Residents Seize Town Hall in Russian Town

Economic tensions reached a zenith on Wednesday in Pikalevo, a small Russian town not far from St. Petersburg.  Local residents, suffering after the town’s major employers shut their doors this past winter, stormed the town hall building with demands that the mayor’s office resolve the crisis problems plaguing the city.  As the online newspaper and the TV100 channel report, nearly 200 demonstrators had gathered outside the town hall, protesting a city-wide shut-off of heat and hot water, as well as overdue back-pay.  City officials, meanwhile, were holding a meeting inside in an effort to resolve some of the problems.

The protestors, who were anxiously awaiting the result of the meeting, eventually rushed the building, pushing past militsiya officers and barging through the session’s closed doors.  After speaking out concerns about unemployment and withheld wages, the group peacefully left the building and continued to wait ...

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The Other Russia: Russian Opposition Leader Hit With Smuggling Charges

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Russian Opposition Leader Hit With Smuggling Charges

Olga Kurnosova, the leader of the St. Petersburg branch of Garry Kasparov’s United Civil Front party, has been charged for a second time on allegations of smuggling.

As Kurnosova told the online newspaper, the charges stem from an incident on October 5, 2008, when the opposition activist was returning by train from Astrakhan to St. Petersburg.  Kurnosova, who was on her way home from a regional conference for the political opposition, was apprehended and searched on the train.  Police found a can of black caviar in her bags, and decided on the spot that the caviar had been poached illegally, and was therefore contraband.  Kurnosova had received the can as a gift from members of the United Civil Front in Astrakhan.  The activist was then held in a temporary detention facility for nearly two days, before being released on a promise not ...

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