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MAY 2005

Prague WD: European Commission To Promote “Export Of Democracy” In The Caucasus

posted by FerrasB on May, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

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April 8th 2005 · Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev · PRINTER FRIENDLY FORMAT · E-MAIL THIS · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN      
European Commission to promote “export of democracy” in the Caucasus

By Timur Aliyev

NAZRAN, Ingushetia – The European Commission intends to promote the development of civil society in Chechnya and Ingushetia through projects of local public organizations, announced Guillermo Martinez, a member of the Delegation of the European Commission to Russia, during his April 5-7 visit to Ingushetia.

According to him, the EC, in making human rights a priority, is going to develop democratic initiatives in Russia. “It will be kind of an export of democratic values,” said Martinez.

Two projects have been already underway since February 1. One is the Chechen Committee of National Salvation’s “Responsibility for human rights violations in the Northern Caucasus”, and the other is the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society’s coverage of ...
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Moscow Times: Kasparov Hit With A Chessboard

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

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Monday, April 18, 2005.

Kasparov Hit With a Chessboard
By Oksana Yablokova
Staff Writer

Garry Kasparov, the world's former No. 1 chess player who recently retired to move into politics, was struck over the head with a chessboard in what his supporters believe was an attack ordered by the new pro-Kremlin Nashi, or Us, youth movement.

Kasparov, a leader of the liberal opposition group Committee 2008: Free Choice, sustained a bruise Friday when, after a meeting with leaders of youth organizations, one participant hit him, Kasparov's spokeswoman, Marina Litvinovich, told Interfax.

The assailant, a young man, asked Kasparov, 41, to autograph the chessboard and then hit him from behind while shouting insults, Litvinovich said.

"I admired you as a chess player, but you gave that up for politics," he said, according to Litvinovich.

The attacker attempted to strike Kasparov a second time but was stopped by security guards, who led him ...
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Maxim Kononenko/Moscow Times: Kremlin Pawns' Latest Weapon Is Chessboard

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

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Monday, April 18, 2005.

Kremlin Pawns' Latest Weapon Is Chessboard
By Maxim Kononenko
One day Vladimir Vladimirovich™ Putin was sitting in his Kremlin office with the deputy head of his administration, Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov, watching the chairman of Committee 2008: Free Choice, Garry Kimovich Kasparov, speaking live at the Center for Liberal-Conservative Policy.

"Always the same old thing," Vladimir Vladimirovich™ mumbled. "The Putin regime, resistance, Yabloko, SPS. When are they going to come up with something new?"

Vladislav Yuryevich nodded in agreement. Garry Kimovich concluded his speech and began to sign autographs. Suddenly a young man, whose chessboard had been signed by the chairman, struck Garry Kimovich over the head with it."I respected you as a chess player!" the young man cried. "But you betrayed the sport and went into politics."

"Check it out," Vladimir Vladimirovich™ said in astonishment.

"Going after an amateur," Vladislav Yuryevich mumbled.

"Whaddya mean, an amateur?" Vladimir ...
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MosNews: The “R” In “Russia” Stands For Rudeness

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

</NOINDEX>Photo by Keyf,

Photo by Keyf,
The “R” in “Russia” Stands for Rudeness

Created: 13.04.2005 20:36 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:52 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1114167172)); </SCRIPT>

Masha Kozlova


If you talk to foreigners who’ve been to Russia, you’re likely to notice a paradox — while many will rave about Russians being “so friendly, and so nice,” others will incredulously talk about people being “so mean and so rude”. Talk to Russians returning to the motherland after spending time abroad and you’ll get the same incongruous reaction: they’re at once relishing the return to things and people they know and love and hating the thought of encountering unpredictable meanness. There is a Plague of Rudeness amuck in Russia, and bad customer service is but one small part of it.

There is even a special name in Russian for people whose vocabulary lacks the words “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” but includes “hey you” and “whaddaya ...
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Claire Bigg / RFE/RL: Rights Groups Say Fascism, Racism Flourishing

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Rights Groups Say Fascism, Racism Flourishing

Russia may seem like an unlikely breeding ground for neo-Nazism considering the devastation German Nazi troops wrought on the country. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, however, Russian human rights groups are warning of growing ultra-nationalist feelings in the country. RFE/RL correspondent Claire Bigg reports from Moscow.

As Russia prepares to commemorate the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II, Russian human rights activists are denouncing what they call an upsurge of racism, xenophobia, and neo-Nazism in the country.

Speaking at a news conference in Moscow yesterday, the activists called on Russians not to forget that the Soviet Union also repressed, deported, and massacred ethnic minorities.

Alla Gerber, who heads the Holocaust Foundation in Moscow, said that despite the defeat of Nazi Germany, fascism is deeply ingrained in the Russian mindset. Fascism is a broad term used in ...
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