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MAY 2006

PRIMA-News: Demonstrators Not Allowed To “Drink Poison"

posted by FerrasB on May, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

12.5.2006 18:47 MSK
Demonstrators not allowed to “drink poison"
RUSSIA, Moscow. Participants in the action "Drink Poison", organized by the movements "We", "Defense" and the Pacifist Committee, were detained by OMON several minutes after beginning the action. The demonstrators intended to serve passer-by Georgian wine and the mineral water, "Borzhomi", in order to prove the absurdity of the assertions of Russian authorities about the health risks of these beverages.

The action began at 1:00pm opposite the Rospotrebnadzor in the Vadkovsky Alley not far from Savelovsky Square in Moscow. Several days before, the organizers of the action explained their intentions: "In the field of fighting infection, Gennadi Onishchenko undertook a number of measures vitally important for rescuing the health of the nation: he forbade Georgian wine and "Borzhomi" water. WE, it goes without saying, believe this action has no relation to health policy. But in order to be finally to be convinced of the ...
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PRIMA-News: Police Detain 7 Supporting Deceived Investors

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

23.5.2006 13:26 MSK
Police detain 7 supporting deceived investors
RUSSIA, Moscow. On May 20th, near the Government building (“White House”) on the Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, the police detained 7 people who had arrived to express solidarity with participants in the tent town which was attacked during the night.

At 6:00pm, 10-12 people arrived at the White House with clean sheets of paper in their hands. Seven of them were detained by police without explanation and taken to the Presnenskey Regional RVD. The detainees are: Maria Smirnova, Roman Dobrokhotov, Sergey Kopylov, Igor Drandin, Aleksey Dakhin and Aleksandr Khatov.

An administrative case may be brought against them for "illegal picketing”.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-05-20-Rus-44]

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PRIMA-News: Police Detain 7 Supporting Deceived Investors

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

23.5.2006 13:26 MSK
Police detain 7 supporting deceived investors
RUSSIA, Moscow. On May 20th, near the Government building (“White House”) on the Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, the police detained 7 people who had arrived to express solidarity with participants in the tent town which was attacked during the night.

At 6:00pm, 10-12 people arrived at the White House with clean sheets of paper in their hands. Seven of them were detained by police without explanation and taken to the Presnenskey Regional RVD. The detainees are: Maria Smirnova, Roman Dobrokhotov, Sergey Kopylov, Igor Drandin, Aleksey Dakhin and Aleksandr Khatov.

An administrative case may be brought against them for "illegal picketing”.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-05-20-Rus-44]

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PRIMA-News: Police Detain 7 Supporting Deceived Investors

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

23.5.2006 13:26 MSK
Police detain 7 supporting deceived investors
RUSSIA, Moscow. On May 20th, near the Government building (“White House”) on the Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, the police detained 7 people who had arrived to express solidarity with participants in the tent town which was attacked during the night.

At 6:00pm, 10-12 people arrived at the White House with clean sheets of paper in their hands. Seven of them were detained by police without explanation and taken to the Presnenskey Regional RVD. The detainees are: Maria Smirnova, Roman Dobrokhotov, Sergey Kopylov, Igor Drandin, Aleksey Dakhin and Aleksandr Khatov.

An administrative case may be brought against them for "illegal picketing”.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-05-20-Rus-44]

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Mosnews: Journalist On Trial For Calling Putin “Russia’s Phallic Symbol”

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Vladimir Putin / Photo from
Vladimir Putin / Photo from
Journalist on Trial for Calling Putin “Russia’s Phallic Symbol”

The Prosecutor’s Office has launched criminal proceedings against the editor-in-chief of a Russian Internet newapaper for calling President Putin “Russia’s phallic symbol”.

The article by Vladimir Rakhmankov was published on following Vladimir Putin’s state-of-the-nation address, Kommersant daily reports. In his speech, Putin said demography was Russia’s most pressing issue and the citizens should seek to boost birth rates.

In his article called “Putin as Russia’s Phallic Symbol”, Rakhmankov argued that Putin’s influence on his audience was so great that even beasts in Russian zoos responded to his call to breed immediately.

“Actually, Putin does look like the country’s phallic symbol — in all senses. So why not secure the symbolism officially in his address… We can now start producing new souvenirs — the president’s head as a penis’s head” says the article, seen by ...
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