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APRIL 2006

MosNews: Communist Rally Banned In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on April, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Frame from NTV Channel
Frame from NTV Channel
Communist Rally Banned in Moscow



Up to 3,000 policemen have been patrolling downtown Moscow in order to stop Communists from holding a protest rally near Kremlin, local media reported. Although the city authorities refused to issue a permission for the anti-governmental action, about 5,000 people with red flags came to city center.

According to Ekho Moskvy radio station, protestors agreed to cancel the rally and went to a nearby Teatralnaya Square to hold a plain meeting there.

Head of the Moscow Communist Party branch Vladimir Ulas told Interfax that the Moscow authorities banned the rally under “an absolutely far-fetched excuse”, explaining that it would disturb traffic.

Communists have been also carrying out protest actions that pro-Kremlin United Russia member Vladimir Kashin called “illegal” in several cities across Russia.

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Itar-Tass: British National Deported From Ingushetia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear


British national deported from Ingushetia

10.04.2006, 15.51

MOSCOW, April 10 (Itar-Tass) - A British national, who has been arrested in Ingushetia, polled local residents, introducing himself as a staff member of the United Nations Organization, a representative of the press service of the Federal Migration Service of Russia told Itar-Tass on Monday.

“During the arrest the foreigner presented documents of a U.N. staff member to the police, which happened to be forged,” he continued.

According to the information of the law enforcement agencies, Andrew Robert Harker, British national, came to Moscow on March 30, but did not get registered. Instead he went on a trip about the Northern Caucasus. “According to local residents, he polled people living in those areas and collected information about the situation in the region,” the official said.

Officers of the Migration Service arrested Harker at the Kaskad checkpoint on Sunday night, when he was going to cross the administrative ...
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PRIMA-News: Protest Action Against Tearing Down Mosque In Astrakhan

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

11.4.2006 13:04 MSK
Protest action against tearing down mosque in Astrakhan
RUSSIA, Moscow. On April 10th, in Moscow, on the Gorbat Bridge near the Russian government buildings, a protest action was held against the tearing down of a mosque in Astrakhan. On January 18th, the Soviet District Court of Astrakhan upheld the decision of Astrakhan Mayor Sergey Bozhenov concerning the removal of Mosque № 34. On March 1st, the Provincial Court affirmed his decision.

In 1998, Astrakhan City Hall, at the request of the city’s Muslim community, purchased a small plot of land, and leased 0.3 additional hectares. All documents concerning the building were filed with the Department of Real Estate and the design was documented with the Architectural Administration of Astrakhan. Participants in the action reported that the mosque is approximately half built.

In 2005, the new mayor of Astrakhan, Sergey Bozhenov forbade further building under the pretext that property is near an ...
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erald Tribune: In Moscow, Protest Over State's Grip On Media

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

International Herald Tribune
In Moscow, protest over state's grip on media
Agence France-Presse, The Associated Press
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2006
MOSCOW More than 1,000 demonstrators rallied in Moscow on Sunday to protest government efforts to tighten controls over national media.

The protest in central Moscow was linked to the fifth anniversary of the takeover of the NTV television station by the state-controlled company Gazprom in what was widely viewed as a Kremlin-orchestrated move to stifle criticism of the government.

Several prominent television anchors, who lost their jobs amid the authorities' efforts to tighten control over programming, took part in the rally.

"Over the last five years, it became clear that the government only started with NTV and ended up dominating the entire information sector," said Viktor Shenderovich, a prominent NTV program host who was purged from the station by its new owners.

Protesters held posters saying, "Censorship Today, Dictatorship Tomorrow," "Channel One, stop lying!" and "Take TV remote ...
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Moscow News: Russia Should Propose Its Own Criteria To Recognize New States!

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Kosovo Path a Trap
By Sergei Markedonov The Institute of Political and Military
Russia should propose its own criteria for the recognition of new states

Russian:"Путь Косово" ведет в ловушку

The status of Kosovo is in the final stages of resolution. According to U.S. State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack, the U.S. administration supports the efforts of Marti Ahtisaari, special envoy of the UN secretary general, aimed to resolve the status of Kosovo before the end of this year.

The United States and EU countries are categorically opposed to any parallels being drawn between Albanian separatism in Serbia and the struggle for independence by ethnic Ossetians and Abkhaz in Georgia, Armenians in Azerbaijan, or interethnic separatism in Moldova's breakaway Transdnestr region. According to Sean McCormack, every ethno-political conflict in the post-Soviet area has its own unique specifics that must be taken into account.

Nevertheless, "Kosovization" of the post-Soviet area is well under way. The hasty resolution of ...
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