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APRIL 2011

CK: Participants Of "Strategy-31" Action In Volgograd Were At Issue Concerning The Mayor's Resignation

posted by eagle on April, 2011 as Freedom and Fear

Participants of "Strategy-31" action in Volgograd were at issue concerning the Mayor's resignation

Apr 01 2011, 18:00

The participants of the meeting which passed off on March, 31, in Volgograd represented different parties and movements. Their main slogans were: "Putin must be discharged!" and "Ban "United Russia!". As for the activists' opinions concerning resignation of Roman Grebennikov, Mayor of the city, there were both unacceptance of Governor Anatoly Brovko's decision of discharging Head of Municipality and approval of this action.

It should be reminded that the meeting in Volgograd passed off in the evening, in Lenin square. Over 100 people took part in it. They represented the whole spectrum of regional branches of oppositional parties and movements: Association for protection of depositors of "Sberbank", "Another Russia", "Solidarity", Confederation of Anarcho-syndicalists.

The All-Russian action "Strategy-31" in protection of clause 31 of the Constitution of Russia granting the citizens the right of free and peaceful assemblage to express their ...

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