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APRIL 2009

Guardian: Journalism In The Shadow Of Death And Putin

posted by eagle on April, 2009 as Freedom and Fear

Journalism in the shadow of death and Putin

Russia's Novaya Gazeta, the paper of murdered reporter Anna Politkovskaya, dares to tell the truth but has paid a high price

Reporter Elena Kostyuchenko in Novaya Gazeta's offices in Moscow. Photograph: Alexander Gronsky/

It is 11am and the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta is holding its editorial conference. Seated at the top of a long, wooden table, Dmitry Muratov, the paper's bearded editor-in-chief, is flanked by his senior team.

Over cups of tea, the journalists mull over the morning papers. They discuss ongoing projects and possible stories: the Kremlin is spending more on propaganda; migrant workers in Russia are leaving; there is trouble in Chechnya. Oh, and two fed-up hacks working for Russian television have locked themselves in a cupboard.

The mood is good-natured; there are arguments and jokes. But nobody doubts the seriousness of Novaya Gazeta. On the wall is a photo-gallery of dead ...

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