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APRIL 2006

P: N.Y. Journalist Says Interrogation Aimed At Harassing Her Sources

posted by FerrasB on April, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

N.Y. journalist says interrogation aimed at harassing her sources

The Associated Press, Apr. 1, 2006


Alleging she has information about attacks in southern Russia, interrogators have confiscated an American journalist's notebooks, tapes and computer hard drives, threatened and subjected her to long rounds of questioning for three days.

Kelly McEvers, a 35-year-old New York-based freelance journalist, arrived in the southern region of Dagestan two weeks ago to research the impact of Islamic extremism. She said Saturday that her interrogators' aim appeared to be identifying all her sources throughout Russia's restive North Caucasus region, which she began visiting in March 2005, and harassing them.

"It seems like past history would show that people who talk to journalists can be punished for that, at the very least go under surveillance," McEvers told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from an apartment in the Dagestani capital Makhachkala, where she was expecting police interrogators to pick her ...
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MosNews: Russia’s Former PM Kasyanov Warns Kremlin Builds Dictatorship

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russia’s Former PM Kasyanov Warns Kremlin Builds Dictatorship


A former Russian prime minister has warned that his country is slipping into a dictatorship similar to the harsh regime in neighboring Belarus, The Sunday Times reported.

Mikhail Kasyanov, 48, sacked by President Vladimir Putin in 2004 for questioning his commitment to democracy, said the Kremlin had become so despotic that people increasingly lived in fear.

“If Russia continues along the current course it will end up like the regime of Alexander Lukashenko,” he said, referring to the hardline president of Belarus, widely condemned in the West as Europe’s last dictator. “An atmosphere of fear is being created and a sense that everyone is under the state’s control. These are the first steps towards a totalitarian system. There is practically no press freedom, the judiciary is no longer independent and public opinion is manipulated.”

Kasyanov plans to challenge for the presidency in 2008, when Putin’s second ...
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MosNews: Hundreds Protest In Moscow Against Existing Military Service System

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Hundreds Protest in Moscow Against Existing Military Service System


Hundreds protested in central Moscow on Saturday, calling for an end to mandatory military service and criticizing plans to cut draft deferments as the Russian armed forced began their spring conscription campaign, AP reported.

The demonstration, part of a nationwide campaign led by opposition politicians and anti-draft activists, drew about people to Pushkin Square. Many chanted slogans or held posters saying ’’the Army is Slavery’’ or ’’Draft: No,’’ and some called for resignation of Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov and President Vladimir Putin.

The protest came as the government prepares to scrap a series of deferments — a move Ivanov says is necessary to fulfill plans to reduce the term of mandatory service from two years to one — and amid public dismay over a horrific case that highlighted the persistent problem of abuse in the military.

The protest was timed to coincide with the start ...
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AFP: US University Researcher Released In Southwest Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

US university researcher released in southwest Russia
Published on April 2, 2006

Makhachkala, Russia - US university researcher Kelly McEvers was to leave for Moscow on Sunday after four days of police questioning in the volatile southwest Russian province of Dagestan, the woman's lawyer said.

"Today she is planning to fly to Moscow," Yusup Dzhakhbarov, a lawyer for McEvers, told AFP.

Police had been holding McEvers as a witness in a case against a man accused of carrying out a series of attacks in Chechnya, Dzhakhbarov said.

The man's phone number was apparently found in one of McEvers' notebooks but she said she did not know him, Dzhakhbarov added.

McEvers is a fellow at Johns Hopkins University's International Reporting Project who has produced radio reports and written articles about Russia and Southeast Asia for US publications as a freelance journalist.

She was also asked about her contacts with Chechen separatist leader Akhmed Zakayev, who lives in London, ...
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Moscow Times: EU Lawmakers Blast Belarus, Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Friday, April 7, 2006

EU Lawmakers Blast Belarus, Russia
The Associated Press

STRASBOURG, France -- The European Parliament urged EU governments on Thursday not to recognize Alexander Lukashenko as Belarussian president and called for travel bans on representatives of local, regional and national authorities involved in human rights violations in the country.

In a strongly worded resolution, EU lawmakers also slammed President Vladimir Putin and the State Duma for welcoming Lukashenko's re-election in the March presidential vote.

"The effectiveness of EU policies toward Belarus is undermined by the irresponsible attitude of the Moscow authorities, who are lending decisive support to the last dictatorship in Europe," said the nonbinding resolution, which is used as a form of political pressure on EU governments before an April 10-11 meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg, where Belarus will be discussed.

Belarus' Foreign Ministry on Thursday dismissed Western criticism the elections as "laughable."

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