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MARCH 2006

BBC/St. Petersburg Times: BBC Brings Democracy Debate To Russia

posted by FerrasB on March, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

BBC Brings Democracy Debate to Russia

By Galina Stolyarova

Staff Writer

Democracy in modern Russia was described as “electronic,” “conventional,” and “theoretical,” but still a major step forward from the country’s totalitarian past, by participants in a debate held in St. Petersburg this week.

The event was organized by BBC World Service Radio with the support of the Regional Press Institute.

As St. Petersburg gears up to host the G8 summit in July, the event, which is to be broadcast on Sunday on the World Service, was the first in a series of discussions focusing on Russia’s commitment to democracy and its place in the world. The local session will be followed by similar debates in Tomsk and Moscow.

The debate, chaired by BBC diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall, attempted to address the concept of “managed democracy,” a term coined to describe the current political environment in Russia.

Is Russia as committed to democracy as the seven other ...
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Re. Why Russia Still Loves Stalin

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Re. Why Russia Still Loves Stalin
In reply to the Respected Lady, Nina L. Khrushcheva, concerning her article, "Why Russia Still Loves Stalin", in the "Washington Post" dated, February 12, 2006, when she mentioned her knowledge about the "secret speech" of 1956,that was presented by her grandfather Nikita Khrushchev,  it is for the sake of plain truth, facts should be mentioned and people should be reminded.
I will start by confirming, admiring and saluting your great courage and your remarkable determination for the human basic rights of self expression, by taking the advantage and the chance of explaining lots of hidden facts and figures that took place in the past Soviet history starting  from the Stalinist Soviet phase, and extending to the time of the Soviet period, where your great Grandfather Mr. Nikita Khrushchev was an important figure in the Soviet state at the time.You are voluntarily tackling the historic phase of ...
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AFP: US Calls On Russia To Embrace Democracy

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

US calls on Russia to embrace democracy

16 March 2006

WASHINGTON - Russia must embrace democracy if it is to improve its relations with the United States, Europe and its neighbours, according to a new US national security strategy document released on Thursday.

The White House blueprint called the “National Security Strategy” said that the US will seek to encourage Russia to respect the values of freedom and democracy at home and not to impede the cause of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, South and Central Asia and East Asia.

“Strenghthening our relationship will depend on the policies, foreign and domestic, that Russia adopts,” the document said. ”Recent trends regrettably point toward a diminishing commitment to democratic freedoms and institutions.

“We will work to try and persuade the Russian government to move forward, not backward, along freedom’s path.”

It added that stability and prosperity in countries neighboring Russia would only serve to improve relations ...
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Moscow Times: Rogozin May Quit Post As Party Leader

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Friday, March 17, 2006. Issue 3373

Rogozin May Quit Post as Party Leader

By Anatoly Medetsky
Staff Writer

Igor Tabakov / MT

Rodina leader Dmitry Rogozin

Dmitry Rogozin has hinted he might step down as leader of the nationalist-populist Rodina party, which has come under increasing pressure from the Kremlin and been shut out of elections as its popularity has grown.

"As a responsible politician, I can't set my party up for a blow," Rogozin was quoted as saying by Kommersant on Thursday.

He made the statement Wednesday on the sidelines of a State Duma session, his spokesman Sergei Butin said Thursday. Rogozin was unavailable to comment Thursday, Butin said.

The decision would be made at a party congress on March 25, the spokesman said.

Rogozin's purpose in stepping down would be to put an end to the pressure from the Kremlin, which has become concerned that the party has grown too independent and popular under his leadership and ...
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CHECHENPRESS: S.Krjukov: I Do Not Make Secret Of My Points Of Views From Anybody

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

March, 25, 2006

Sergey Krjukov: "I do not make a secret of my points of views from anybody!"

Krukov S.V., March 13, 2006. CHECHENPRESS, the Department of letters



The announcement-protest

In Right protecting organizations,
In Office of Public Prosecutor.
From the citizen of the Russian Federation Krjukov Sergey Viktorovich                  
Address: Russian Federation. Ulyanovsk. Street. Riabikov, house.48 app. 34                  
Passport 73 02 --------- 731653 given by the Departments of Internal Affairs on         
Zasviajskom ð-nu, Ulyanovsk 05.01.2003.          
Having his own points of views on events.


I am Kriukov S.V. express my resolute protest to the authorities of the Russian Federation concerning illegal actions of employees from UFSB RF of Ulyanovsk region which on March 10, this year made the following: My brother Zaharov Vladimir Lvovich, who currently works as a teacher of the Ulyanovsk Automotive technical school, through the director of this educational institution Pjanov Alexander Konstantinovich was given the phone number 499772 ( +78422499772 ) in Ulyanovsk, offering ...
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