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MARCH 2006

Moscow Times: Astrakhan Muslims May Lose Mosque

posted by FerrasB on March, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Astrakhan Muslims May Lose Mosque
By Henry Meyer
The Associated Press

Dmitry Lovetsky / AP

Asya Makhmutova, the administrator of the mosque in the Volga River city of Astrakhan, visiting the construction site of the new mosque on March 14.

ASTRAKHAN -- A sand-colored edifice rises out of a muddy field alongside the main road leading from the airport into the Volga River city of Astrakhan.

It is a partially built mosque that the region's half-million Muslims dream will one day be capped by a 37-meter-high minaret atop ornate arches and serenely flowing fountains.

But city authorities say zoning regulations have been violated, and they plan to raze the building this spring. That has angered Muslims and rights advocates who say freedom of religion is being trampled in an atmosphere of xenophobia fed by the more than decade-long war against Islamic militants and separatists in Chechnya.

"Astrakhan is historically a Muslim city. Will ...
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PRIMA-News: Spiritual Leader Of Orenburg Muslims Searched

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

28.3.2006 13:29 MSK
Spiritual leader of Orenburg Muslims searched
Ismagil-xhazrat Shangareyev
Ismagil-xhazrat Shangareyev
RUSSIA, Moscow. On March 27th, in Moscow, a search was carried out in the apartment of the spiritual leader of Orenburg’s Muslims and member of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Ismagil-xhazrat Shangareyev, in connection with a criminal case concerning the organization of an extremist association. A statement concerning the search pointed to a connection between Shangareyev and the organization "Khizb ut-Takhrir", which is forbidden in Russia

The search was carried out by representatives of law-enforcement agencies of the Orenburg region and two officers of the Moscow UBOP (Organized Crime Squad)- a total of about 10 people. Present in Ismagil-khazrat Shangareyev's apartment was the Chairman of the Civil Assistance Committee, Svetlana Gannushkina, who reported by telephone to a correspondent of PRIMA-News that taken in the search was a pamphlet "Fortress of Muslims ", and a photocopy of the title page of the ...
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KUWAIT TIMES: Russian Muslims Furious Over 'Threatened' Mosque

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russian Muslims furious over 'threatened' mosque  
March 30, 2004   

By Henry Meyer
A sand-coloured edifice rises out of a muddy field alongside the main road leading from the airport into the Russian Volga River city of Astrakhan.  It's a partially built mosque that the region's half million Muslims dream will one day be capped by a 37-m high minaret atop ornate arches and serenely flowing fountains. But city authorities say zoning regulations have been violated, and they plan to raze the building this spring. That has angered Muslims and rights advocates who say freedom of religion is being trampled in an atmosphere of xenophobia fed by the more than decade-long Russian war against Islamic militants and separatists in Chechnya.  "Astrakhan is historically a Muslim city. Will we return to the Communist times when they destroyed churches and mosques?" asked local human rights activist Veronika Karpycheva.
Muslim Tatars ruled the Astrakhan region up ...
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Eleonore DERMY/CAUCAZ.COM: Where Will The Wave Of Revolution Stop ?

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Eleonore Dermy's Column
Article published in 23/01/2005 Issue

By Eleonore DERMY - journalist specialized in Russian society and policy in Paris

Translated by Marie ANDERSON

Where will the wave of revolution stop?
In many former Soviet republics, the Georgian and Ukrainian revolutions were followed very closely. Something which should make Russia tremble for it is so much attached to its "near abroad".

The scenes of jubilation by demonstrators on Independence square in Kiev, and the less recent ones by supporters of the turbulent politician Mikhael Saakashvili in Georgia encouraged many people among the opposition parties of several former Soviet republics. After the Rose Revolution in Tbilisi, the Orange Revolution in Kiev gives rise to dreams of a « Blueberry Revolution », a « Grape Revolution», or a « Yellow Revolution » in Belarus, Moldava, Kyrgyzstan, and even in Kazakhstan. And this to the great displeasure of their government in power and Moscow, since they see the ...
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