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MARCH 2006

MosNews: Belarus Opposition Leader Proclaims New Liberation Movement...

posted by FerrasB on March, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Belarus Opposition Leader Proclaims New Liberation Movement as Police Break Up Rally


Belarus’s opposition leader on Saturday publicly told President Alexander Lukashenko that more and more people were losing their fear of him and announced the formation of a movement to “liberate” the country from his grip, Reuters reported Saturday.

In the most audacious public challenge to the man who has just been re-elected after running Belarus with an iron rod for 12 years, Alexander Milinkevich told a rally: “I declare the creation of a Popular Movement for the Liberation of Belarus.”

Meanwhile, riot police clashed with protesters in the Belarusian capital, AP said, forcing demonstrators back and hitting several with truncheons. Four explosions were heard, apparently percussion grenades set off by police. The clash broke out after a line of riot police blocked the path of hundreds of protesters heading to a jail where demonstrators arrested in previous protests were being held. ...
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Wanadoo: Russian Parliament Urges Britain To Extradite Tycoon

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russian parliament urges Britain to extradite tycoon
25-03-2006 / 12:05
The Russian parliament has called on Britain to hand over billionaire tycoon Boris Berezovsky, who is wanted in his homeland for allegedly plotting a coup.
Boris Berezovsky
Boris Berezovsky

"Britain has refused to extradite Berezovsky, who is wanted under an international arrest warrant and ... continues his activities undermining Russian security," members of Russia's lower house of parliament, or Duma, said in a resolution.

The document was approved by all 426 legislators present.

Britain's parliament must "assess the situation" created by Berezovsky, who was granted asylum in 2003, the resolution said.

"Advocating the violent overthrow of a sovereign state is unacceptable," the resolution quoted British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as saying in a written ministerial statement published by the lower House of Commons last month.

"The UK government will take action against those who use the UK as a base from which to foment violent disorder or terrorism ...
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: PRIMA-NEWS: Aleksandr Podrabinek, Sentenced To 15 days

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

27.3.2006 19:23 MSK
Editor-in-Chief of PRIMA-News Agency, Aleksandr Podrabinek, sentenced to 15 days
BELARUS, Minsk. On March 27th, at 12:30 Moscow time, activists of the Belarus opposition reported from the hall of the Soviet court of Minsk, that the editor-in-chief of the information agency PRIMA-News, Aleksandr Podrabinek, was sentenced to 15 days administrative arrest. He was detained on March 24th, when a peaceful meeting in the October Square area of Minsk was broken up.

Aleksandr Podrabinek was not allowed an attorney. There were no representatives of the Russian Consulate in court. Before the court hearing, Podrabinek was kept in a holding area.

Translated by OM kenney
PRIMA-Agency [2006-03-27-Bel-36]

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24 HOURS: Belarus Shockwaves Felt In T.O.

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

    March 27, 2006
Belarus shockwaves felt in T.O.


Svetlana Rjeousskaia, far right, listens to speeches during a protest for democracy in Belarus held at Nathan Phillips Square yesterday. (Astrid Poei, 24 hours)

A wave of political clashes in Belarus have sent ripples all the way to Toronto.

More than 100 people gathered in front of Nathan Phillips Square yesterday to support democracy in the European nation.

The protest comes just as world leaders are making moves to set up sanctions against an illegal Belarusian government and raids in Minsk that saw at least 200 protesters jailed, including a Canadian freelance journalist.

"That's why we're here," Dmitry Elyashevich, chairman of the Belarusian Canadian Alliance, who organized the event, said. "We're trying to raise our voice today ... I'm happy with the response. This event was quite ad hoc because of events in Belarus in the last few days."

Last week, riot police ...
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: PRIMA-NEWS: Aleksandr Podrabinek, Sentenced To 15 days

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

27.3.2006 19:23 MSK
Editor-in-Chief of PRIMA-News Agency, Aleksandr Podrabinek, sentenced to 15 days
BELARUS, Minsk. On March 27th, at 12:30 Moscow time, activists of the Belarus opposition reported from the hall of the Soviet court of Minsk, that the editor-in-chief of the information agency PRIMA-News, Aleksandr Podrabinek, was sentenced to 15 days administrative arrest. He was detained on March 24th, when a peaceful meeting in the October Square area of Minsk was broken up.

Aleksandr Podrabinek was not allowed an attorney. There were no representatives of the Russian Consulate in court. Before the court hearing, Podrabinek was kept in a holding area.

Translated by OM kenney
PRIMA-Agency [2006-03-27-Bel-36]

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