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Window On Eurasia: Moscow Seeks To Suppress Draft UN Report On Secret Prisons

posted by eagle on February, 2010 as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Moscow Seeks to Suppress Draft UN Report on Secret Prisons

Paul Goble

Vienna, February 23 – Moscow is seeking to block the publication of a UN Human Rights report on the use of secret prisons in the fight against terrorism and to remove it from a UN website where it has been available for more than a month lest it, in the words of a Russian diplomat, "create confrontation.”
Last Thursday, AP reported with Russian news agencies following that the Russian government was demanding that the UN Council of Human Rights prohibit the open publication of a 226-page report which includes three interviews with anonymous residents of Chechnya who said they had been subject to torture in secret prisons (
The draft report, which has been available online since January (, was prepared by a group of independent experts and contains reporting on the use of secret prisons ...

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Window On Eurasia: Nearly 8 Out Of 10 Draft-Age Russians Are Unhealthy, Officials Say

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Nearly 8 out of 10 Draft-Age Russians are Unhealthy, Officials Say

Paul Goble

Apalachicola, February 15 – An ever larger share of Russia’s ever smaller draft pool consists of people whose illnesses physical and mental make them less than optimal candidates to be soldiers, a trend that the Russian government hopes to reverse over the next decade by making the health of the draft-age cohort another measure on which governors will be rated.
But because it appears unlikely that Moscow will provide the regions with sufficient resources to do the job, this latest Russian unfunded liability appears likely in the words of one expert to be yet another means to increase central control over the governments of the regions and cities of the Russian Federation.
In its "Conception of a Federal System of Preparing Citizens of the Russian Federation for Military Service up to 2020” published on Friday, ...

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Window On Eurasia: FSB Moves To Extend Its Control Of Russian Journalists, Moscow Experts Say

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: FSB Moves to Extend Its Control of Russian Journalists, Moscow Experts Say

Paul Goble

Apalachicola, February 15 – The FSB has expanded both the number of officials entitled to order the monitoring of journalists and also the basis for issuing such orders, according to a leading Moscow analyst, the clearest possible indication that the Russian security service is seeking not just to track journalists but to control them.
In an article in today’s "Yezhednevny zhurnal,” Andrey Soldatov, who heads the portal, provides a close analysis of FSB director Aleksandr Bortnikov’s Order No. 343 of July 15, 2009, a measure that attracted little attention six months ago but represents a major expansion of the FSB’s role in the media sector ( 
The July 2009 order increased as compared to the September 2007 order it replaced the number of FSB officials who are authorized to order "counter-intelligence measures which ...

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Window On Eurasia: Volgograd Mufti Refuses To Cooperate With FSB – And Tells The Media Why

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Volgograd Mufti Refuses to Cooperate with FSB – and Tells the Media Why

Paul Goble

Key West, February 8 – The head of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate (MSD) in Volgograd has taken the unusual step of going public with his refusal to cooperate with the FSB after the organs approached him to help the powers that be combat "extremist Muslim doctrines.”
In an interview with the Volgograd edition of "Argumenty i fakty,” Mufti Ilyas Khamzat said that the FSB had approached him "several times” to help them in this regard but that he had responded that "as a spiritual leader I must not cooperate with the FSB or other law enforcement organizations. Otherwise, I will lose [my] authority” ( 
He told the weekly’s Olga Poplavskaya that as a religious leader he has "another task: prevention. It is better to cure people spiritually than to pursue them with a ...

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