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Herald Tribune: Russia Forces Tycoon To Sell His holdings

posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

International Herald Tribune
Russia forces tycoon to sell his holdings
By Andrew E. Kramer The New York Times
MOSCOW Boris Berezovsky, the self-exiled Russian oligarch, said Friday that he would sell all his remaining business interests in Russia and elsewhere to a partner because of unremitting pressure from the Kremlin.

Berezovsky, once Russia's richest man, is wanted by the Russian authorities for fraud but was granted political asylum in Britain.

He said pressure from the government of President Vladimir Putin had become too great to operate his businesses in Russia and elsewhere in Europe.

His partner, a citizen of Georgia, is also wanted by Russia for allegedly attempting a prison break to free another associate five years ago.

Thus it was unclear whether the announced sale would alleviate what Berezovsky said in an interview were politically motivated attacks on his companies.

"This is a decision based exclusively on Putin's pressure on any business that does ...
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nterfax: Reporters Without Borders Critical Of Ivanov's Army Hazing Statement

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

05:33 GMT, Feb 21, 2006
 Reporters Without Borders critical of Ivanov's army hazing statement

     MOSCOW.   Feb   21  (Interfax)  -  The  Reporters  Without  Borders
international  organization criticized Russian Deputy Prime Minister and
Defense  Minister  Sergei  Ivanov's  recent  remarks  on  hazing  in the
country's armed forces in an open letter unveiled on Monday.
     "You  accused  the  media  of  exaggerating  the  episode  "to make
headlines"  and  of making "gratuitous allegations against all soldiers,
especially all generals," the letter reads.
     "You  claim  the  media  has  blackened  the  army's reputation and
distorted   the   situation   in  the  military.  Your  accusations  are
unacceptable," it reads.
     "How  can  you  criticize  them  [the  media]  for reporting such a
serious  episode when it is so difficult to investigate the army and the
case would never have been revealed without their help?" it reads.
     "You  go  further  however,  to  accuse  the  media  of encouraging
desertions  from  the army and say that their action raises the question
of whether  these  media  are  duly  ...
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